LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withBlobStore(BlobStore store) |
Use the following blobstore instead of the one in the config.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withClusterState(IStormClusterState clusterState) |
Use the following clusterState instead of the one in the config.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withDaemonConf(String key,
Object value) |
Add an single key/value config to the daemon conf.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withDaemonConf(Map<String,Object> conf) |
Set the base config that the daemons should use.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withGroupMapper(IGroupMappingServiceProvider groupMapper) |
Override the code that maps users to groups for authorization.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withINimbus(INimbus inimbus) |
Override the INimbus instance that nimbus will use.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withLeaderElector(ILeaderElector leaderElector) |
Use the following leaderElector instead of the one in the config.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withNimbusDaemon() |
Have the local nimbus actually launch a thrift server.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withNimbusDaemon(Boolean nimbusDaemon) |
If nimbusDaemon is true the local nimbus will launch a thrift server.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withNimbusWrapper(UnaryOperator<Nimbus> nimbusWrapper) |
Before nimbus is created/used call nimbusWrapper on it first and use the result instead.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withPortsPerSupervisor(int portsPerSupervisor) |
Set the number of slots/ports each supervisor should have.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withSimulatedTime() |
Turn on simulated time in the cluster.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withSimulatedTime(boolean simulateTime) |
Turn on simulated time in the cluster.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withSupervisors(int supervisors) |
Set the number of supervisors the cluster should have.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withSupervisorSlotPortMin(Number minPort) |
When assigning ports to worker slots start at minPort.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withTopoCache(TopoCache topoCache) |
Use the following topo cache instead of creating out own.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withTracked() |
A tracked cluster can run tracked topologies.
LocalCluster.Builder |
LocalCluster.Builder.withTracked(String trackId) |
A tracked cluster can run tracked topologies.