Class DRPCServer

    • Constructor Detail

      • DRPCServer

        public DRPCServer​(Map<String,​Object> conf,
                          StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry)
        conf - Drpc conf for the servers
        metricsRegistry - The metrics registry
    • Method Detail

      • addRequestContextFilter

        public static void addRequestContextFilter​(org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler context,
                                                   String configName,
                                                   Map<String,​Object> conf)
        Add a request context filter to the Servlet Context Handler.
        context - The Servlet Context handler
        configName - Config name
        conf - Conf to be added in context filter
      • getDrpcPort

        public int getDrpcPort()
        The port the DRPC handler server is listening on.
        The port the DRPC handler server is listening on.
      • getDrpcInvokePort

        public int getDrpcInvokePort()
        The port the DRPC invoke server is listening on.
        The port the DRPC invoke server is listening on.
      • getHttpServerPort

        public int getHttpServerPort()
        The port the HTTP server is listening on. Not available until start() has run.
        The port the HTTP server is listening on. Not available until start() has run.