Class Worker

    • Constructor Detail

      • Worker

        public Worker​(Map<String,​Object> conf,
                      IContext context,
                      String topologyId,
                      String assignmentId,
                      int supervisorPort,
                      int port,
                      String workerId,
                      Supplier<SupervisorIfaceFactory> supervisorIfaceSupplier)
               throws IOException
        TODO: should worker even take the topologyId as input? this should be deducible from cluster state (by searching through assignments) what about if there's inconsistency in assignments? -> but nimbus should guarantee this consistency.
        conf - - Storm configuration
        context - -
        topologyId - - topology id
        assignmentId - - assignment id
        supervisorPort - - parent supervisor thrift server port
        port - - port on which the worker runs
        workerId - - worker id
    • Method Detail

      • doRefreshLoad

        public void doRefreshLoad()
      • doExecutorHeartbeats

        public void doExecutorHeartbeats()
      • checkCredentialsChanged

        public void checkCredentialsChanged()
      • checkLogConfigChanged

        public void checkLogConfigChanged()
      • establishLogSettingCallback

        public void establishLogSettingCallback()