Class SimpleJdbcLookupMapper

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleJdbcLookupMapper

        public SimpleJdbcLookupMapper​(Fields outputFields,
                                      List<Column> queryColumns)
    • Method Detail

      • toTuple

        public List<Values> toTuple​(ITuple input,
                                    List<Column> columns)
        Description copied from interface: JdbcLookupMapper
        Converts a DB row to a list of storm values that can be emitted. This is done to allow a single storm input tuple and a single DB row to result in multiple output values.
        Specified by:
        toTuple in interface JdbcLookupMapper
        input - the input tuple.
        columns - list of columns that represents a row
        a List of storm values that can be emitted. Each item in list is emitted as an output tuple.