Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.storm.kafka.spout Package Description org.apache.storm.flux.examples org.apache.storm.kafka.spout org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.internal org.apache.storm.sql.kafka -
Classes in org.apache.storm.kafka.spout used by org.apache.storm.flux.examples Class Description Func A simple interface to allow compatibility with non java 8 code bases.RecordTranslator Translate aConsumerRecord
to a tuple. -
Classes in org.apache.storm.kafka.spout used by org.apache.storm.kafka.spout Class Description ByTopicRecordTranslator Based off of a given Kafka topic a ConsumerRecord came from it will be translated to a Storm tuple and emitted to a given stream.FirstPollOffsetStrategy Defines how the spout seeks the offset to be used in the first poll to Kafka upon topology deployment.Func A simple interface to allow compatibility with non java 8 code bases.KafkaSpoutConfig KafkaSpoutConfig defines the required configuration to connect a consumer to a consumer group, as well as the subscribing topics.KafkaSpoutConfig.Builder KafkaSpoutConfig.ProcessingGuarantee This enum controls when the tuple with theConsumerRecord
for an offset is marked as processed, i.e.KafkaSpoutMessageId KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff.TimeInterval KafkaSpoutRetryService Represents the logic that manages the retrial of failed tuples.KafkaSpoutTopologyMainNamedTopics This example sets up 3 topologies to put data in Kafka via the KafkaBolt, and shows how to set up a topology that reads from some Kafka topics using the KafkaSpout.KafkaTuple A list of Values in a tuple that can be routed to a given stream:RecordTranslator.apply(org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K, V>)
.KafkaTupleListener The KafkaTupleListener handles state changes of a kafka tuple inside a KafkaSpout.RecordTranslator Translate aConsumerRecord
to a tuple.TopicPartitionComparator Singleton comparator of TopicPartitions. -
Classes in org.apache.storm.kafka.spout used by org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.internal Class Description FirstPollOffsetStrategy Defines how the spout seeks the offset to be used in the first poll to Kafka upon topology deployment.Func A simple interface to allow compatibility with non java 8 code bases.KafkaSpoutConfig.ProcessingGuarantee This enum controls when the tuple with theConsumerRecord
for an offset is marked as processed, i.e.KafkaSpoutMessageId RecordTranslator Translate aConsumerRecord
to a tuple. -
Classes in org.apache.storm.kafka.spout used by org.apache.storm.sql.kafka Class Description Func A simple interface to allow compatibility with non java 8 code bases.RecordTranslator Translate aConsumerRecord
to a tuple.