Class CaptureLoad

  • public class CaptureLoad
    extends Object
    Capture running topologies for load gen later on.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CaptureLoad

        public CaptureLoad()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws Exception
        Main entry point for CaptureLoad command.
        args - the arguments to the command
        Exception - on any error
      • checkInitialization

        public static void checkInitialization​(Map<String,​Double> topologyResources,
                                               String componentId,
                                               Map<String,​Object> topologyConf)
        Checks if the topology's resource requirements are initialized. Will modify topologyResources by adding the appropriate defaults
        topologyResources - map of resouces requirements
        componentId - component for which initialization is being conducted
        topologyConf - topology configuration
        Exception - on any error