Package org.apache.storm.nimbus
Interface Summary Interface Description ILeaderElector The interface for leader election.ITopologyActionNotifierPlugin A plugin interface that gets invoked any time there is an action for a topology.ITopologyValidator IWorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategy Interface for strategy to recover heartbeats when master gains leadership. -
Class Summary Class Description AssignmentDistributionService A service for distributing master assignments to supervisors, this service makes the assignments notification asynchronous.DefaultTopologyValidator LeaderListenerCallback A callback function when nimbus gains leadership.NimbusHeartbeatsPressureTest Test for nimbus heartbeats max throughput, This is a client to collect the statistics.NimbusInfo StrictTopologyValidator TimeOutWorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategy Wait for a node to report worker heartbeats until a configured timeout.WorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategyFactory Factory class for recovery strategy.