Class RedisStoreBolt

    • Constructor Detail

      • RedisStoreBolt

        public RedisStoreBolt​(JedisPoolConfig config,
                              RedisStoreMapper storeMapper)
        Constructor for single Redis environment (JedisPool).
        config - configuration for initializing JedisPool
        storeMapper - mapper containing which datatype, storing value's key that Bolt uses
      • RedisStoreBolt

        public RedisStoreBolt​(JedisClusterConfig config,
                              RedisStoreMapper storeMapper)
        Constructor for Redis Cluster environment (JedisCluster).
        config - configuration for initializing JedisCluster
        storeMapper - mapper containing which datatype, storing value's key that Bolt uses
    • Method Detail

      • declareOutputFields

        public void declareOutputFields​(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer)
        Declare the output schema for all the streams of this topology.
        declarer - this is used to declare output stream ids, output fields, and whether or not each output stream is a direct stream