Class WorkerTokenManager

  • public class WorkerTokenManager
    extends Object
    The WorkerTokenManager manages the life cycle of worker tokens in nimbus.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkerTokenManager

        public WorkerTokenManager​(Map<String,​Object> daemonConf,
                                  IStormClusterState state)
        Constructor. This assumes that state can store the tokens securely, and that they should be enabled at all. Please use ClientAuthUtils.areWorkerTokensEnabledServer to validate this first.
        daemonConf - the config for nimbus.
        state - the state used to store private keys.
    • Method Detail

      • generateSecret

        protected SecretKey generateSecret()
        Generate a new random secret key.
        the new key
      • getCurrentSecret

        protected SecretKey getCurrentSecret()
        Get the secret that should be used to sign a token. This may either reuse a secret or generate a new one so any user should call this once and save the result.
        the key to use.
      • createOrUpdateTokenFor

        public WorkerToken createOrUpdateTokenFor​(WorkerTokenServiceType serviceType,
                                                  String user,
                                                  String topologyId)
        Create or update an existing key.
        serviceType - the type of service to create a token for
        user - the user the token is for
        topologyId - the topology the token is for
        a newly generated token that should be good to start using form now until it expires.
      • upsertWorkerTokensInCredsForTopo

        public void upsertWorkerTokensInCredsForTopo​(Map<String,​String> creds,
                                                     String user,
                                                     String topologyId)
        Create or renew WorkerToken credentials for a topology.
        creds - the map of credentials for.
        user - the user the credentials are for
        topologyId - the topology the credentials are for