Package org.apache.storm.starter.streams
Class StatefulWordCount
- java.lang.Object
- org.apache.storm.starter.streams.StatefulWordCount
public class StatefulWordCount extends Object
A stateful word count that usesPairStream.updateStateByKey(StateUpdater)
to save the counts in a key value state. This example uses Redis state store.You should start a local redis instance before running the 'storm jar' command. By default the connection will be attempted at localhost:6379. The default RedisKeyValueStateProvider parameters can be overridden in conf/storm.yaml, for e.g.
topology.state.provider.config: '{"keyClass":"...", "valueClass":"...", "keySerializerClass":"...", "valueSerializerClass":"...", "jedisPoolConfig":{"host":"localhost", "port":6379, "timeout":2000, "database":0, "password":"xyz"}}'
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description StatefulWordCount()