<A,R> PairStream<K,R> |
PairStream.aggregateByKey(CombinerAggregator<? super V,A,? extends R> aggregator) |
<R> PairStream<K,R> |
PairStream.aggregateByKey(R initialValue,
BiFunction<? super R,? super V,? extends R> accumulator,
BiFunction<? super R,? super R,? extends R> combiner) |
Aggregates the values for each key of this stream using the given initial value, accumulator and combiner.
PairStream<K,V>[] |
PairStream.branch(Predicate<? super Pair<K,V>>... predicates) |
Returns an array of streams by splitting the given stream into multiple branches based on the given predicates.
<V1> PairStream<K,Pair<Iterable<V>,Iterable<V1>>> |
PairStream.coGroupByKey(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream) |
Groups the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
PairStream<K,Long> |
PairStream.countByKey() |
Counts the values for each key of this stream.
PairStream<K,V> |
PairStream.filter(Predicate<? super Pair<K,V>> predicate) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that matches the given filter.
<K,V> PairStream<K,V> |
Stream.flatMapToPair(PairFlatMapFunction<? super T,? extends K,? extends V> function) |
Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each value of this stream with the key-value pairs produced by applying the
provided mapping function to each value.
<R> PairStream<K,R> |
PairStream.flatMapValues(FlatMapFunction<? super V,? extends R> function) |
Return a new stream by applying a FlatMapFunction function to the value of each key-value pairs in this stream.
<V1> PairStream<K,Pair<V,V1>> |
PairStream.fullOuterJoin(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream) |
Does a full outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
<R,V1> PairStream<K,R> |
PairStream.fullOuterJoin(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V,? super V1,? extends R> valueJoiner) |
Does a full outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
PairStream<K,Iterable<V>> |
PairStream.groupByKey() |
Returns a new stream where the values are grouped by the keys.
PairStream<K,Iterable<V>> |
PairStream.groupByKeyAndWindow(Window<?,?> window) |
Returns a new stream where the values are grouped by keys and the given window.
<V1> PairStream<K,Pair<V,V1>> |
PairStream.join(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream) |
Join the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
<R,V1> PairStream<K,R> |
PairStream.join(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V,? super V1,? extends R> valueJoiner) |
Join the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
<V1> PairStream<K,Pair<V,V1>> |
PairStream.leftOuterJoin(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream) |
Does a left outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
<R,V1> PairStream<K,R> |
PairStream.leftOuterJoin(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V,? super V1,? extends R> valueJoiner) |
Does a left outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
<K,V> PairStream<K,V> |
Stream.mapToPair(PairFunction<? super T,? extends K,? extends V> function) |
Returns a stream of key-value pairs by applying a PairFunction on each value of this stream.
<R> PairStream<K,R> |
PairStream.mapValues(Function<? super V,? extends R> function) |
Returns a new stream by applying a Function to the value of each key-value pairs in this stream.
<K,V> PairStream<K,V> |
StreamBuilder.newStream(IRichSpout spout,
PairValueMapper<K,V> pairValueMapper) |
<K,V> PairStream<K,V> |
StreamBuilder.newStream(IRichSpout spout,
PairValueMapper<K,V> pairValueMapper,
int parallelism) |
Creates a new PairStream of key-value pairs from the given IRichSpout by extracting key and value from tuples via the
supplied PairValueMapper and with the given value of parallelism.
PairStream<K,V> |
PairStream.peek(Consumer<? super Pair<K,V>> action) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, additionally performing the provided action on each element as they are
consumed from the resulting stream.
PairStream<K,V> |
PairStream.reduceByKey(Reducer<V> reducer) |
Performs a reduction on the values for each key of this stream by repeatedly applying the reducer.
PairStream<K,V> |
PairStream.reduceByKeyAndWindow(Reducer<V> reducer,
Window<?,?> window) |
Returns a new stream where the values that arrive within a window having the same key will be reduced by repeatedly applying the
PairStream<K,V> |
PairStream.repartition(int parallelism) |
Returns a new stream with the given value of parallelism.
<V1> PairStream<K,Pair<V,V1>> |
PairStream.rightOuterJoin(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream) |
Does a right outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
<R,V1> PairStream<K,R> |
PairStream.rightOuterJoin(PairStream<K,V1> otherStream,
ValueJoiner<? super V,? super V1,? extends R> valueJoiner) |
Does a right outer join of the values of this stream with the values having the same key from the other stream.
<V> PairStream<T,V> |
Stream.stateQuery(StreamState<T,V> streamState) |
Queries the given stream state with the values in this stream as the keys.
PairStream<K,V> |
StreamState.toPairStream() |
PairStream<K,V> |
PairStream.window(Window<?,?> window) |
Returns a new stream consisting of the elements that fall within the window as specified by the window parameter.