Class TopologyBuilder

  • public class TopologyBuilder
    extends Object
    TopologyBuilder exposes the Java API for specifying a topology for Storm to execute. Topologies are Thrift structures in the end, but since the Thrift API is so verbose, TopologyBuilder greatly eases the process of creating topologies. The template for creating and submitting a topology looks something like:

    ```java TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();

    builder.setSpout("1", new TestWordSpout(true), 5); builder.setSpout("2", new TestWordSpout(true), 3); builder.setBolt("3", new TestWordCounter(), 3) .fieldsGrouping("1", new Fields("word")) .fieldsGrouping("2", new Fields("word")); builder.setBolt("4", new TestGlobalCount()) .globalGrouping("1");

    Map<String, Object> conf = new HashMap(); conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, 4);

    StormSubmitter.submitTopology("mytopology", conf, builder.createTopology()); ```

    Running the exact same topology in local mode (in process), and configuring it to log all tuples emitted, looks like the following. Note that it lets the topology run for 10 seconds before shutting down the local cluster.

    ```java TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();

    builder.setSpout("1", new TestWordSpout(true), 5); builder.setSpout("2", new TestWordSpout(true), 3); builder.setBolt("3", new TestWordCounter(), 3) .fieldsGrouping("1", new Fields("word")) .fieldsGrouping("2", new Fields("word")); builder.setBolt("4", new TestGlobalCount()) .globalGrouping("1");

    Map<String, Object> conf = new HashMap(); conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, 4); conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG, true);

    try (LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster(); LocalTopology topo = cluster.submitTopology("mytopology", conf, builder.createTopology());){ Utils.sleep(10000); } ```

    The pattern for `TopologyBuilder` is to map component ids to components using the setSpout and setBolt methods. Those methods return objects that are then used to declare the inputs for that component.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TopologyBuilder

        public TopologyBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    IRichBolt bolt)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology with parallelism of just one thread.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the bolt
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    IRichBolt bolt,
                                    Number parallelismHint)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology with the specified amount of parallelism.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the bolt
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somewhere around the cluster.
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    IBasicBolt bolt)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a basic bolt, which is a simpler to use but more restricted kind of bolt. Basic bolts are intended for non-aggregation processing and automate the anchoring/acking process to achieve proper reliability in the topology.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the basic bolt
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    IBasicBolt bolt,
                                    Number parallelismHint)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a basic bolt, which is a simpler to use but more restricted kind of bolt. Basic bolts are intended for non-aggregation processing and automate the anchoring/acking process to achieve proper reliability in the topology.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the basic bolt
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somewhere around the cluster.
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    IWindowedBolt bolt)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a windowed bolt, intended for windowing operations. The IWindowedBolt.execute(TupleWindow) method is triggered for each window interval with the list of current events in the window.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the windowed bolt
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    IWindowedBolt bolt,
                                    Number parallelismHint)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a windowed bolt, intended for windowing operations. The IWindowedBolt.execute(TupleWindow) method is triggered for each window interval with the list of current events in the window.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the windowed bolt
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somwehere around the cluster.
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public <T extends StateBoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                                      IStatefulBolt<T> bolt,
                                                      Number parallelismHint)
                                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a stateful bolt, that requires its state (of computation) to be saved. When this bolt is initialized, the IStatefulComponent.initState(State) method is invoked after IStatefulBolt.prepare(Map, TopologyContext, OutputCollector) but before IStatefulBolt.execute(Tuple) with its previously saved state.

        The framework provides at-least once guarantee for the state updates. Bolts (both stateful and non-stateful) in a stateful topology are expected to anchor the tuples while emitting and ack the input tuples once its processed.

        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the stateful bolt
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somwehere around the cluster.
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public <T extends StateBoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                                      IStatefulWindowedBolt<T> bolt)
                                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a stateful windowed bolt, intended for stateful windowing operations. The IWindowedBolt.execute(TupleWindow) method is triggered for each window interval with the list of current events in the window. During initialization of this bolt IStatefulComponent.initState(State) is invoked with its previously saved state.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the state (e.g. KeyValueState)
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the stateful windowed bolt
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public <T extends StateBoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                                      IStatefulWindowedBolt<T> bolt,
                                                      Number parallelismHint)
                                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a stateful windowed bolt, intended for stateful windowing operations. The IWindowedBolt.execute(TupleWindow) method is triggered for each window interval with the list of current events in the window. During initialization of this bolt IStatefulComponent.initState(State) is invoked with its previously saved state.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        bolt - the stateful windowed bolt
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somewhere around the cluster.
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    SerializableBiConsumer<Tuple,​BasicOutputCollector> biConsumer,
                                    String... fields)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a lambda basic bolt, which is a simpler to use but more restricted kind of bolt. Basic bolts are intended for non-aggregation processing and automate the anchoring/acking process to achieve proper reliability in the topology.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        biConsumer - lambda expression that implements tuple processing for this bolt
        fields - fields for tuple that should be emitted to downstream bolts
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    SerializableBiConsumer<Tuple,​BasicOutputCollector> biConsumer,
                                    Number parallelismHint,
                                    String... fields)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a lambda basic bolt, which is a simpler to use but more restricted kind of bolt. Basic bolts are intended for non-aggregation processing and automate the anchoring/acking process to achieve proper reliability in the topology.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        biConsumer - lambda expression that implements tuple processing for this bolt
        fields - fields for tuple that should be emitted to downstream bolts
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somewhere around the cluster.
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    SerializableConsumer<Tuple> consumer)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a lambda basic bolt, which is a simpler to use but more restricted kind of bolt. Basic bolts are intended for non-aggregation processing and automate the anchoring/acking process to achieve proper reliability in the topology.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        consumer - lambda expression that implements tuple processing for this bolt
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setBolt

        public BoltDeclarer setBolt​(String id,
                                    SerializableConsumer<Tuple> consumer,
                                    Number parallelismHint)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new bolt in this topology. This defines a lambda basic bolt, which is a simpler to use but more restricted kind of bolt. Basic bolts are intended for non-aggregation processing and automate the anchoring/acking process to achieve proper reliability in the topology.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this bolt's outputs.
        consumer - lambda expression that implements tuple processing for this bolt
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this bolt. Each task will run on a thread in a process somewhere around the cluster.
        use the returned object to declare the inputs to this component
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setSpout

        public SpoutDeclarer setSpout​(String id,
                                      IRichSpout spout,
                                      Number parallelismHint)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new spout in this topology with the specified parallelism. If the spout declares itself as non-distributed, the parallelism_hint will be ignored and only one task will be allocated to this component.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this spout's outputs.
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this spout. Each task will run on a thread in a process somewhere around the cluster.
        spout - the spout
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setSpout

        public SpoutDeclarer setSpout​(String id,
                                      SerializableSupplier<?> supplier)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new spout in this topology.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this spout's outputs.
        supplier - lambda expression that implements tuple generating for this spout
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • setSpout

        public SpoutDeclarer setSpout​(String id,
                                      SerializableSupplier<?> supplier,
                                      Number parallelismHint)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
        Define a new spout in this topology with the specified parallelism. If the spout declares itself as non-distributed, the parallelism_hint will be ignored and only one task will be allocated to this component.
        id - the id of this component. This id is referenced by other components that want to consume this spout's outputs.
        parallelismHint - the number of tasks that should be assigned to execute this spout. Each task will run on a thread in a process somewhere around the cluster.
        supplier - lambda expression that implements tuple generating for this spout
        IllegalArgumentException - if parallelism_hint is not positive
      • addWorkerHook

        public void addWorkerHook​(IWorkerHook workerHook)
        Add a new worker lifecycle hook.
        workerHook - the lifecycle hook to add