protected Stream |
TridentTopology.addNode(Node n) |
Stream |
Stream.addSharedMemory(SharedMemory request) |
protected Stream |
TridentTopology.addSourcedNode(List<Stream> sources,
Node newNode) |
protected Stream |
TridentTopology.addSourcedNode(Stream source,
Node newNode) |
Stream |
Stream.aggregate(Aggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.aggregate(CombinerAggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.aggregate(ReducerAggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.aggregate(Fields inputFields,
Aggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.aggregate(Fields inputFields,
CombinerAggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.aggregate(Fields inputFields,
ReducerAggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.applyAssembly(Assembly assembly) |
Applies an `Assembly` to this `Stream`.
Stream |
Stream.batchGlobal() |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream |
Stream.broadcast() |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream |
Stream.each(Function function,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.each(Fields inputFields,
Filter filter) |
Stream |
Stream.each(Fields inputFields,
Function function,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.filter(Filter filter) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that match the given filter.
Stream |
Stream.filter(Fields inputFields,
Filter filter) |
Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream that match the given filter.
Stream |
Stream.flatMap(FlatMapFunction function) |
Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each value of this stream with the contents produced by applying the provided
mapping function to each value.
Stream |
Stream.flatMap(FlatMapFunction function,
Fields outputFields) |
Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each value of this stream with the contents produced by applying the provided
mapping function to each value.
Stream | |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream |
Stream.identityPartition() |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(List<Stream> streams,
List<Fields> joinFields,
Fields outFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(List<Stream> streams,
List<Fields> joinFields,
Fields outFields,
List<JoinType> mixed) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(List<Stream> streams,
List<Fields> joinFields,
Fields outFields,
List<JoinType> mixed,
JoinOutFieldsMode mode) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(List<Stream> streams,
List<Fields> joinFields,
Fields outFields,
JoinOutFieldsMode mode) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(List<Stream> streams,
List<Fields> joinFields,
Fields outFields,
JoinType type) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(List<Stream> streams,
List<Fields> joinFields,
Fields outFields,
JoinType type,
JoinOutFieldsMode mode) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(Stream s1,
Fields joinFields1,
Stream s2,
Fields joinFields2,
Fields outFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(Stream s1,
Fields joinFields1,
Stream s2,
Fields joinFields2,
Fields outFields,
List<JoinType> mixed) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(Stream s1,
Fields joinFields1,
Stream s2,
Fields joinFields2,
Fields outFields,
List<JoinType> mixed,
JoinOutFieldsMode mode) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(Stream s1,
Fields joinFields1,
Stream s2,
Fields joinFields2,
Fields outFields,
JoinOutFieldsMode mode) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(Stream s1,
Fields joinFields1,
Stream s2,
Fields joinFields2,
Fields outFields,
JoinType type) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.join(Stream s1,
Fields joinFields1,
Stream s2,
Fields joinFields2,
Fields outFields,
JoinType type,
JoinOutFieldsMode mode) |
Stream |
Stream.localOrShuffle() |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream | function) |
Returns a stream consisting of the result of applying the given mapping function to the values of this stream.
Stream | function,
Fields outputFields) |
Returns a stream consisting of the result of applying the given mapping function to the values of this stream.
Stream |
Stream.max(Comparator<TridentTuple> comparator) |
This aggregator operation computes the maximum of tuples in a stream by using the given comparator with
TridentTuple s.
Stream |
Stream.maxBy(String inputFieldName) |
This aggregator operation computes the maximum of tuples by the given inputFieldName and it is assumed that its value is an
instance of Comparable .
<T> Stream |
Stream.maxBy(String inputFieldName,
Comparator<T> comparator) |
This aggregator operation computes the maximum of tuples by the given inputFieldName in a stream by using the given
comparator .
Stream |
TridentTopology.merge(List<Stream> streams) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.merge(Stream... streams) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.merge(Fields outputFields,
List<Stream> streams) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.merge(Fields outputFields,
Stream... streams) |
Stream |
Stream.min(Comparator<TridentTuple> comparator) |
This aggregator operation computes the minimum of tuples in a stream by using the given comparator with
TridentTuple s.
Stream |
Stream.minBy(String inputFieldName) |
This aggregator operation computes the minimum of tuples by the given inputFieldName and it is assumed that its value is an
instance of Comparable .
<T> Stream |
Stream.minBy(String inputFieldName,
Comparator<T> comparator) |
This aggregator operation computes the minimum of tuples by the given inputFieldName in a stream by using the given
comparator .
Stream |
TridentTopology.multiReduce(List<GroupedStream> streams,
GroupedMultiReducer function,
Fields outputFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.multiReduce(List<Stream> streams,
MultiReducer function,
Fields outputFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.multiReduce(List<Fields> inputFields,
List<GroupedStream> groupedStreams,
GroupedMultiReducer function,
Fields outputFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.multiReduce(List<Fields> inputFields,
List<Stream> streams,
MultiReducer function,
Fields outputFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.multiReduce(GroupedStream s1,
GroupedStream s2,
GroupedMultiReducer function,
Fields outputFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.multiReduce(Stream s1,
Stream s2,
MultiReducer function,
Fields outputFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.multiReduce(Fields inputFields1,
GroupedStream s1,
Fields inputFields2,
GroupedStream s2,
GroupedMultiReducer function,
Fields outputFields) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.multiReduce(Fields inputFields1,
Stream s1,
Fields inputFields2,
Stream s2,
MultiReducer function,
Fields outputFields) |
Stream | name) |
Applies a label to the stream.
Stream |
TridentTopology.newDRPCStream(String function) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.newDRPCStream(String function,
ILocalDRPC server) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.newStream(String txId,
IRichSpout spout) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.newStream(String txId,
IBatchSpout spout) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.newStream(String txId,
IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout spout) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.newStream(String txId,
IPartitionedTridentSpout spout) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.newStream(String txId,
ITridentDataSource dataSource) |
Stream |
TridentTopology.newStream(String txId,
ITridentSpout spout) |
Stream |
TridentState.newValuesStream() |
Stream |
Stream.parallelismHint(int hint) |
Applies a parallelism hint to a stream.
Stream |
Stream.partition(Grouping grouping) |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream |
Stream.partition(CustomStreamGrouping partitioner) |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream |
Stream.partitionAggregate(Aggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.partitionAggregate(CombinerAggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.partitionAggregate(ReducerAggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.partitionAggregate(Fields inputFields,
Aggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.partitionAggregate(Fields inputFields,
CombinerAggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.partitionAggregate(Fields inputFields,
ReducerAggregator agg,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.partitionBy(Fields fields) |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream |
Stream.peek(Consumer action) |
Returns a stream consisting of the trident tuples of this stream, additionally performing the provided action on each trident tuple
as they are consumed from the resulting stream.
Stream |
Stream.project(Fields keepFields) |
Filters out fields from a stream, resulting in a Stream containing only the fields specified by `keepFields`.
Stream |
Stream.setCPULoad(Number load) |
Sets the CPU Load resource for the current operation.
Stream |
Stream.setMemoryLoad(Number onHeap) |
Sets the Memory Load resources for the current operation.
Stream |
Stream.setMemoryLoad(Number onHeap,
Number offHeap) |
Sets the Memory Load resources for the current operation.
Stream |
Stream.shuffle() |
## Repartitioning Operation.
Stream |
Stream.slidingWindow(int windowCount,
int slideCount,
WindowsStoreFactory windowStoreFactory,
Fields inputFields,
Aggregator aggregator,
Fields functionFields) |
Returns a stream of tuples which are aggregated results of a sliding window with every windowCount of tuples and slides the
window after slideCount .
Stream |
Stream.slidingWindow(BaseWindowedBolt.Duration windowDuration,
BaseWindowedBolt.Duration slidingInterval,
WindowsStoreFactory windowStoreFactory,
Fields inputFields,
Aggregator aggregator,
Fields functionFields) |
Returns a stream of tuples which are aggregated results of a window which slides at duration of slidingInterval and completes
a window at windowDuration .
Stream |
Stream.stateQuery(TridentState state,
QueryFunction function,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.stateQuery(TridentState state,
Fields inputFields,
QueryFunction function,
Fields functionFields) |
Stream |
Stream.toStream() |
Stream |
Stream.tumblingWindow(int windowCount,
WindowsStoreFactory windowStoreFactory,
Fields inputFields,
Aggregator aggregator,
Fields functionFields) |
Returns a stream of tuples which are aggregated results of a tumbling window with every windowCount of tuples.
Stream |
Stream.tumblingWindow(BaseWindowedBolt.Duration windowDuration,
WindowsStoreFactory windowStoreFactory,
Fields inputFields,
Aggregator aggregator,
Fields functionFields) |
Returns a stream of tuples which are aggregated results of a window that tumbles at duration of windowDuration .
Stream |
Stream.window(WindowConfig windowConfig,
WindowsStoreFactory windowStoreFactory,
Fields inputFields,
Aggregator aggregator,
Fields functionFields) |
Returns stream of aggregated results based on the given window configuration.
Stream |
Stream.window(WindowConfig windowConfig,
Fields inputFields,
Aggregator aggregator,
Fields functionFields) |
Returns a stream of aggregated results based on the given window configuration which uses inmemory windowing tuple store.