Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.storm.jms
  • Class
    JmsMessageProducer implementations are responsible for translating a org.apache.storm.tuple.Values instance into a javax.jms.Message object.
    A JmsProvider object encapsulates the ConnectionFactory and Destination JMS objects the JmsSpout needs to manage a topic/queue connection over the course of it's lifecycle.
  • Class
    A JmsProvider object encapsulates the ConnectionFactory and Destination JMS objects the JmsSpout needs to manage a topic/queue connection over the course of it's lifecycle.
    Interface to define classes that can produce a Storm Values objects from a javax.jms.Message object>.
  • Class
    A JmsProvider object encapsulates the ConnectionFactory and Destination JMS objects the JmsSpout needs to manage a topic/queue connection over the course of it's lifecycle.
    Interface to define classes that can produce a Storm Values objects from a javax.jms.Message object>.
  • Class
    JmsMessageProducer implementations are responsible for translating a org.apache.storm.tuple.Values instance into a javax.jms.Message object.
    A JmsProvider object encapsulates the ConnectionFactory and Destination JMS objects the JmsSpout needs to manage a topic/queue connection over the course of it's lifecycle.
    Interface to define classes that can produce a Storm Values objects from a javax.jms.Message object>.