Class HadoopLoginUtil

  • public class HadoopLoginUtil
    extends Object
    UserGroupInformation#loginUserFromKeytab(String, String) changes the static fields of UserGroupInformation, especially the current logged-in user, and UserGroupInformation itself is not thread-safe. So it could introduce bugs if it is called multiple times in a JVM process. HadoopLoginUtil.loginHadoop guarantees at-most-once login in a JVM process. This should only be used on the daemon side.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HadoopLoginUtil

        public HadoopLoginUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • loginHadoop

        public static Subject loginHadoop​(Map<String,​Object> conf)
        Login if a HDFS keytab/principal have been supplied; otherwise, assume it's already logged in or running on insecure HDFS. This also guarantees that login only happens at most once.
        conf - the daemon conf
        the logged in subject or null