Class Container

    • Constructor Detail

      • Container

        protected Container​(Container.ContainerType type,
                            Map<String,​Object> conf,
                            String supervisorId,
                            int supervisorPort,
                            int port,
                            LocalAssignment assignment,
                            ResourceIsolationInterface resourceIsolationManager,
                            String workerId,
                            Map<String,​Object> topoConf,
                            AdvancedFSOps ops,
                            StormMetricsRegistry metricsRegistry,
                            ContainerMemoryTracker containerMemoryTracker)
                     throws IOException
        Create a new Container.
        type - the type of container being made.
        conf - the supervisor config
        supervisorId - the ID of the supervisor this is a part of.
        supervisorPort - the thrift server port of the supervisor this is a part of.
        port - the port the container is on. Should be <= 0 if only a partial recovery @param assignment the assignment for this container. Should be null if only a partial recovery.
        resourceIsolationManager - used to isolate resources for a container can be null if no isolation is used.
        workerId - the id of the worker to use. Must not be null if doing a partial recovery.
        topoConf - the config of the topology (mostly for testing) if null and not a partial recovery the real conf is read.
        ops - file system operations (mostly for testing) if null a new one is made
        metricsRegistry - The metrics registry.
        containerMemoryTracker - The shared memory tracker for the supervisor's containers
        IOException - on any error.
    • Method Detail

      • kill

        public void kill()
                  throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Killable
        Kill the processes in this container nicely. kill -15 equivalent
        Specified by:
        kill in interface Killable
        IOException - on any error
      • forceKill

        public void forceKill()
                       throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Killable
        Kill the processes in this container violently. kill -9 equivalent
        Specified by:
        forceKill in interface Killable
        IOException - on any error
      • areAllProcessesDead

        public boolean areAllProcessesDead()
                                    throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Killable
        Check whether all processes are dead.
        Specified by:
        areAllProcessesDead in interface Killable
        true if all of the processes are dead, else false
        IOException - on any error
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
                     throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Killable
        Clean up the container. It is not coming back. by default do the same thing as when restarting.
        Specified by:
        cleanUp in interface Killable
        IOException - on any error
      • setup

        protected void setup()
                      throws IOException
        Setup the container to run. By default this creates the needed directories/links in the local file system PREREQUISITE: All needed blobs and topology, jars/configs have been downloaded and placed in the appropriate locations
        IOException - on any error
      • writeLogMetadata

        protected void writeLogMetadata​(String user)
                                 throws IOException
        Write out the file used by the log viewer to allow/reject log access.
        user - the user this is going to run as
        IOException - on any error
      • createArtifactsLink

        protected void createArtifactsLink()
                                    throws IOException
        Create symlink from the containers directory/artifacts to the artifacts directory.
        IOException - on any error
      • createBlobstoreLinks

        protected void createBlobstoreLinks()
                                     throws IOException
        Create symlinks for each of the blobs from the container's directory to corresponding links in the storm dist directory.
        IOException - on any error.
      • getWorkerUser

        protected String getWorkerUser()
                                throws IOException
        Get the user of the worker.
        the user that some operations should be done as.
        IOException - on any error
      • cleanUpForRestart

        public void cleanUpForRestart()
                               throws IOException
        Clean up the container partly preparing for restart. By default delete all of the temp directories we are going to get a new worker_id anyways. POST CONDITION: the workerId will be set to null
        IOException - on any error
      • isMemoryLimitViolated

        public boolean isMemoryLimitViolated​(LocalAssignment withUpdatedLimits)
                                      throws IOException
        Check if the container is over its memory limit AND needs to be killed. This does not necessarily mean that it just went over the limit.
        IOException - on any error
      • updateMemoryAccounting

        protected void updateMemoryAccounting()
      • getTotalTopologyMemoryUsed

        public long getTotalTopologyMemoryUsed()
        Get the total memory used (on and off heap).
      • getTotalTopologyMemoryReserved

        public long getTotalTopologyMemoryReserved​(LocalAssignment withUpdatedLimits)
        Get the total memory reserved.
        withUpdatedLimits - the local assignment with shared memory
        the total memory reserved.
      • getTotalWorkersForThisTopology

        public long getTotalWorkersForThisTopology()
        Get the number of workers for this topology.
      • getMemoryUsageMb

        public long getMemoryUsageMb()
        Get the current memory usage of this container.
      • getMemoryReservationMb

        public long getMemoryReservationMb()
        Get the current memory reservation of this container.
      • launch

        public abstract void launch()
                             throws IOException
        Launch the process for the first time. PREREQUISITE: setup has run and passed
        IOException - on any error
      • relaunch

        public abstract void relaunch()
                               throws IOException
        Restart the processes in this container. PREREQUISITE: cleanUpForRestart has run and passed
        IOException - on any error
      • didMainProcessExit

        public abstract boolean didMainProcessExit()
        Return true if the main process exited, else false. This is just best effort return false if unknown.
      • getWorkerId

        public String getWorkerId()
        Get the id of the container or null if there is no worker id right now.