Package org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor
Interface Summary Interface Description ExitCodeCallback A callback that can accept an integer.IAdvancedFSOps Killable UniFunc<T> -
Class Summary Class Description AdvancedFSOps BasicContainer A container that runs processes on the local box.BasicContainerLauncher Launch containers with no security using standard java commands.ClientSupervisorUtils Container Represents a container that a worker will run in.ContainerLauncher Launches containers.ContainerMemoryTracker DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler EventManagerPushCallback LocalContainer LocalContainerLauncher Launch Containers in local mode.OnlyLatestExecutor<K> This allows you to submit a Runnable with a key.ReadClusterState Slot StandaloneSupervisor Supervisor SupervisorUtils TimerDecoratedAssignment -
Enum Summary Enum Description Container.ContainerType -
Exception Summary Exception Description ContainerRecoveryException Could not recover the container.