Class Slot

    • Method Detail

      • setNewAssignment

        public final void setNewAssignment​(LocalAssignment newAssignment)
        Set a new assignment asynchronously.
        newAssignment - the new assignment for this slot to run, null to run nothing
      • blobChanging

        public void blobChanging​(LocalAssignment assignment,
                                 int port,
                                 LocallyCachedBlob blob,
                                 GoodToGo go)
        Description copied from interface: BlobChangingCallback
        Informs the listener that a blob has changed and is ready to update and replace a localized blob that has been marked as tied to the life cycle of the worker process.

        If `go.getLatch()` is never called before the method completes it is assumed that the listener is good with the blob changing.

        Specified by:
        blobChanging in interface BlobChangingCallback
        assignment - the assignment this resource and callback are registered with.
        port - the port that this resource and callback are registered with.
        blob - the blob that is going to change.
        go - a way to indicate if the listener is ready for the resource to change.
      • addProfilerActions

        public void addProfilerActions​(Set<org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.Slot.TopoProfileAction> actions)
      • getWorkerId

        public String getWorkerId()
        get the workerID (nullable) from CURRENT container, if existed, or return null.
      • run

        public void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
        run in class Thread