Class CommonKafkaSpoutConfig.Builder<K,​V,​T extends CommonKafkaSpoutConfig.Builder<K,​V,​T>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​(String bootstrapServers,
                       String... topics)
      • Builder

        public Builder​(String bootstrapServers,
                       Set<String> topics)
      • Builder

        public Builder​(String bootstrapServers,
                       Pattern topics)
      • Builder

        public Builder​(String bootstrapServers,
                       TopicFilter topicFilter,
                       ManualPartitioner topicPartitioner)
        Create a KafkaSpoutConfig builder with default property values and no key/value deserializers.
        bootstrapServers - The bootstrap servers the consumer will use
        topicFilter - The topic filter defining which topics and partitions the spout will read
        topicPartitioner - The topic partitioner defining which topics and partitions are assinged to each spout task
    • Method Detail

      • setProp

        public T setProp​(String key,
                         Object value)
        Set a KafkaConsumer property.
      • setProp

        public T setProp​(Map<String,​Object> props)
        Set multiple KafkaConsumer properties.
      • setProp

        public T setProp​(Properties props)
        Set multiple KafkaConsumer properties.
      • setPollTimeoutMs

        public T setPollTimeoutMs​(long pollTimeoutMs)
        Specifies the time, in milliseconds, spent waiting in poll if data is not available. Default is 200ms.
        pollTimeoutMs - time in ms
      • setFirstPollOffsetStrategy

        public T setFirstPollOffsetStrategy​(FirstPollOffsetStrategy firstPollOffsetStrategy)
        Sets the offset used by the Kafka spout in the first poll to Kafka broker upon process start. Please refer to to the documentation in FirstPollOffsetStrategy
        firstPollOffsetStrategy - Offset used by Kafka spout first poll
      • setRecordTranslator

        public T setRecordTranslator​(Func<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K,​V>,​List<Object>> func,
                                     Fields fields)
        Configure a translator with tuples to be emitted on the default stream.
        func - extracts and turns a Kafka ConsumerRecord into a list of objects to be emitted
        fields - the names of the fields extracted
        this to be able to chain configuration
      • setRecordTranslator

        public T setRecordTranslator​(Func<org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<K,​V>,​List<Object>> func,
                                     Fields fields,
                                     String stream)
        Configure a translator with tuples to be emitted to a given stream.
        func - extracts and turns a Kafka ConsumerRecord into a list of objects to be emitted
        fields - the names of the fields extracted
        stream - the stream to emit the tuples on
        this to be able to chain configuration
      • setPartitionRefreshPeriodMs

        public T setPartitionRefreshPeriodMs​(long partitionRefreshPeriodMs)
        Sets partition refresh period in milliseconds. This is how often Kafka will be polled to check for new topics and/or new partitions.
        partitionRefreshPeriodMs - time in milliseconds
        the builder (this)
      • setStartTimeStamp

        public T setStartTimeStamp​(long startTimeStamp)
        Specifies the startTimeStamp if the first poll strategy is TIMESTAMP or UNCOMMITTED_TIMESTAMP.
        startTimeStamp - time in ms