Class LoadCompConf

  • public class LoadCompConf
    extends Object
    Configuration for a simulated spout.
    • Field Detail

      • parallelism

        public final int parallelism
      • cpuLoad

        public final double cpuLoad
      • memoryLoad

        public final double memoryLoad
    • Constructor Detail

      • LoadCompConf

        public LoadCompConf​(String id,
                            int parallelism,
                            List<OutputStream> streams,
                            double cpuLoad,
                            double memoryLoad,
                            SlowExecutorPattern slp)
        Create a new LoadCompConf with the given values.
        id - the id of the component.
        parallelism - tha parallelism of the component.
        streams - the output streams of the component.
    • Method Detail

      • fromConf

        public static LoadCompConf fromConf​(Map<String,​Object> conf)
        Parse the LoadCompConf from a config Map.
        conf - the map holding the config for a LoadCompConf.
        the parsed object.
      • toConf

        public Map<String,​Object> toConf()
        Build a config map for this object.
        the config map.
      • remap

        public LoadCompConf remap​(Map<String,​String> remappedComponents,
                                  Map<GlobalStreamId,​GlobalStreamId> remappedStreams)
        Chenge the name of components and streams according to the parameters passed in.
        remappedComponents - original component name to new component name.
        remappedStreams - original stream id to new stream id.
        a copy of this with the values remapped.
      • scaleParallel

        public LoadCompConf scaleParallel​(double v)
        Scale the parallelism of this component by v. The aggregate throughput will be the same. The parallelism will be rounded up to the next largest whole number. Parallelism will always be at least 1.
        v - 1.0 is not change 0.5 is drop the parallelism by half.
        a copy of this with the parallelism adjusted.
      • setParallel

        public LoadCompConf setParallel​(int newParallelism)
        Set the parallelism of this component, and adjust the throughput so in aggregate it stays the same.
        newParallelism - the new parallelism to set.
        a copy of this with the adjustments made.
      • scaleThroughput

        public LoadCompConf scaleThroughput​(double v)
        Scale the throughput of this component.
        v - 1.0 is unchanged 0.5 will cut the throughput in half.
        a copy of this with the adjustments made.
      • overrideSlowExecutorPattern

        public LoadCompConf overrideSlowExecutorPattern​(SlowExecutorPattern slp)
        Override the SlowExecutorPattern with a new one.
        slp - the new pattern or null if you don't want it to change
        a copy of this with the adjustments made.
      • getAllEmittedAggregate

        public double getAllEmittedAggregate()
        Compute the total amount of all messages emitted in all streams per second.
        the sum of all messages emitted per second.