Class RocksDbKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RocksDbKey
    extends Object
    implements Comparable<RocksDbKey>
    Class representing the data used as a Key in RocksDB. Keys can be used either for metadata or metrics.

    Keys are 38 bytes in size. The fields for a key are:

     Field             Size         Offset
     Type                 1              0      The type maps to the KeyType enum, specifying a metric or various types of metadata
     Aggregation Level    1              1      The aggregation level for a metric (see AggLevel enum).  0 for metadata.
     TopologyId           4              2      The metadata string Id representing a topologyId for a metric, or the unique
                                                       string Id for a metadata string
     Timestamp            8              6      The timestamp for a metric, unused for metadata
     MetricId             4             14      The metadata string Id for the metric name
     ComponentId          4             18      The metadata string Id for the component Id
     ExecutorId           4             22      The metadata string Id for the executor Id
     HostId               4             26      The metadata string Id for the host Id
     Port                 4             30      The port number
     StreamId             4             34      The metadata string Id for the stream Id