Class SchedulingSearcherState

  • public class SchedulingSearcherState
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • setSortedExecs

        public void setSortedExecs​(List<ExecutorDetails> sortedExecs)
        Reassign the list of executors as long as it contains the same executors as before. Executors are normally assigned when this class is instantiated. However, this list may be resorted externally and then reassigned.
        sortedExecs - new list to be assigned.
      • incStatesSearched

        public void incStatesSearched()
      • getStartTimeMillis

        public long getStartTimeMillis()
      • getStatesSearched

        public int getStatesSearched()
      • getExecSize

        public int getExecSize()
      • getNumBacktrack

        public int getNumBacktrack()
      • getExecIndex

        public int getExecIndex()
      • areSearchLimitsExceeded

        public boolean areSearchLimitsExceeded()
      • areAllExecsScheduled

        public boolean areAllExecsScheduled()
      • currentExec

        public ExecutorDetails currentExec()
        Get the current unassigned executor.
        the first unassigned executor in execs list.
      • assignCurrentExecutor

        public void assignCurrentExecutor​(Map<ExecutorDetails,​String> execToComp,
                                          RasNode node,
                                          WorkerSlot workerSlot)
        Attempt to assign current executor (execIndex points to) to worker and node. Assignment validity check is done before calling this method.
        execToComp - Mapping from executor to component name.
        node - RasNode on which to schedule.
        workerSlot - WorkerSlot on which to schedule.
      • getNumOfAckersToBind

        public int getNumOfAckersToBind​(ExecutorDetails exec,
                                        WorkerSlot workerSlot)

        Determine how many bound ackers to put in before assigning the executor to current workerSlot. Note that the worker slot must be a new worker to build on scheduling.

        Return 0 if: 1. Either Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_COMPONENT_PER_WORKER or Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ONE_EXECUTOR_PER_WORKER is enabled. 2. The exec to assign is an acker. 3. The workerSlot is not a new worker. 4. No more unassigned ackers to use.

        A special scenario: If max heap limit is smaller than (this exec mem + Config.TOPOLOGY_RAS_ACKER_EXECUTORS_PER_WORKER ackers' mem), scheduler will bind fewer ackers based on max heap limit.

        exec - the exec to assign into the workerSlot.
        workerSlot - the new worker slot to build.
        the num of bound ackers to assign.
      • backtrack

        public void backtrack​(Map<ExecutorDetails,​String> execToComp,
                              RasNode[] nodesForExec,
                              WorkerSlot[] workerSlotForExec)
        Backtrack to prior executor that was directly assigned. This excludes bound-ackers.
        execToComp - map from executor to component.
        nodesForExec - array of nodes for all execIndex - has null values for bound-acker indices.
        workerSlotForExec - array of workerSlots for all execIndex - has null values for bound-acker indices.
      • assignSingleBoundAcker

        public void assignSingleBoundAcker​(RasNode node,
                                           WorkerSlot workerSlot)

        Remove the head of unassigned ackers and attempt to assign it to a workerSlot as a bound acker.

        node - RasNode on which to schedule.
        workerSlot - WorkerSlot on which to schedule.
      • freeWorkerSlotWithBoundAckers

        public void freeWorkerSlotWithBoundAckers​(RasNode node,
                                                  WorkerSlot workerSlot)
        Free the bound-ackers for the given node and workerSlot. All the bound-ackers for an executor (and only that executor) are on the same workerSlot.
        node - RasNode to be freed.
        workerSlot - WorkerSlot to be freed.
      • logNodeCompAssignments

        public void logNodeCompAssignments()
        Use this method to log the current component assignments on the Node. Useful for debugging and tests.
      • getCompAssignmentCntMapForWorker

        public Map<String,​Integer> getCompAssignmentCntMapForWorker​(WorkerSlot workerSlot)
        Get a map of component to count for the specified worker slot.
        workerSlot - to check for.
        assignment map of count for components, may be a null.
      • getComponentCntOnNode

        public int getComponentCntOnNode​(RasNode rasNode,
                                         String comp)
      • createSchedulingResult

        public SchedulingResult createSchedulingResult​(boolean success,
                                                       String schedulerClassSimpleName)
      • isExecCompDifferentFromPrior

        public boolean isExecCompDifferentFromPrior()
        Check if the current executor has a different component from the previous one. This flag can be used as a quick way to check if the nodes should be sorted.
        true if first executor or if the component is same as previous executor. False other wise.