Class Rankings

    • Constructor Detail

      • Rankings

        public Rankings()
      • Rankings

        public Rankings​(int topN)
      • Rankings

        public Rankings​(Rankings other)
        Copy constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • maxSize

        public int maxSize()
        Get max size.
        the maximum possible number (size) of ranked objects this instance can hold
      • size

        public int size()
        Get size.
        the number (size) of ranked objects this instance is currently holding
      • getRankings

        public List<Rankable> getRankings()
        The returned defensive copy is only "somewhat" defensive. We do, for instance, return a defensive copy of the enclosing List instance, and we do try to defensively copy any contained Rankable objects, too. However, the contract of Rankable.copy() does not guarantee that any Object's embedded within a Rankable will be defensively copied, too.
        a somewhat defensive copy of ranked items
      • updateWith

        public void updateWith​(Rankings other)
      • updateWith

        public void updateWith​(Rankable r)
      • pruneZeroCounts

        public void pruneZeroCounts()
        Removes ranking entries that have a count of zero.
      • copy

        public Rankings copy()
        Creates a (defensive) copy of itself.