Class MergeAggregateByKeyProcessor<K,​V,​A,​R>

    • Constructor Detail

      • MergeAggregateByKeyProcessor

        public MergeAggregateByKeyProcessor​(CombinerAggregator<V,​A,​R> aggregator)
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        public void execute​(Pair<K,​A> input)
        Execute some operation on the input value. Sub classes can override this when then don't care about the source stream from where the input is received.
        input - the input
      • finish

        public void finish()
        This is triggered to signal the end of the current batch of values. Sub classes can override this to emit the result of a batch of values, for e.g. to emit the result of an aggregate or join operation on a batch of values. If a processor does per-value operation like filter, map etc, they can choose to ignore this.
      • init

        public void init​(ProcessorContext context)
        Initializes the processor. This is typically invoked from the underlying storm bolt's prepare method.
        Specified by:
        init in interface Processor<T>
        context - the processor context
      • execute

        public void execute​(T input,
                            String streamId)
        Executes some operations on the input and possibly emits some results. Processors that do not care about the source stream should override BaseProcessor.execute(Object) instead.
        Specified by:
        execute in interface Processor<T>
        input - the input to be processed
        streamId - the source stream id from where the input is received
      • punctuate

        public void punctuate​(String stream)
        Punctuation marks end of a batch which can be used to compute and pass the results of one stage in the pipeline to the next. For e.g. emit the results of an aggregation.
        Specified by:
        punctuate in interface Processor<T>
        stream - the stream id on which the punctuation arrived
      • mayBeForwardAggUpdate

        protected final <R> void mayBeForwardAggUpdate​(Supplier<R> result)
        Forwards the result update to downstream processors. Processors that operate on a batch of tuples, like aggregation, join etc can use this to emit the partial results on each input if they are operating in non-windowed mode.
        Type Parameters:
        R - the result type
        result - the result function