Uses of Interface
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm
Methods in org.apache.storm that return Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description static Tuple
Testing. testTuple(List<Object> values)
Create aTuple
for use with testing.static Tuple
Testing. testTuple(List<Object> values, MkTupleParam param)
Create aTuple
for use with testing.Methods in org.apache.storm with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
ExclamationTopology.ExclamationBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description protected Object
JoinBolt. lookupField(JoinBolt.FieldSelector fieldSelector, Tuple tuple)
Method parameters in org.apache.storm.bolt with type arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description protected JoinBolt.JoinAccumulator
JoinBolt. doInnerJoin(JoinBolt.JoinAccumulator probe, Map<Object,ArrayList<Tuple>> buildInput, JoinBolt.JoinInfo joinInfo, boolean finalJoin)
protected JoinBolt.JoinAccumulator
JoinBolt. doJoin(JoinBolt.JoinAccumulator probe, HashMap<Object,ArrayList<Tuple>> buildInput, JoinBolt.JoinInfo joinInfo, boolean finalJoin)
protected JoinBolt.JoinAccumulator
JoinBolt. doLeftJoin(JoinBolt.JoinAccumulator probe, Map<Object,ArrayList<Tuple>> buildInput, JoinBolt.JoinInfo joinInfo, boolean finalJoin)
protected ArrayList<Object>
JoinBolt. doProjection(ArrayList<Tuple> tuples, JoinBolt.FieldSelector[] projectionFields)
protected JoinBolt.JoinAccumulator
JoinBolt. hashJoin(List<Tuple> tuples)
Constructors in org.apache.storm.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Constructor Description ResultRecord(JoinBolt.ResultRecord lhs, Tuple rhs, boolean generateOutputFields)
ResultRecord(Tuple tuple, boolean generateOutputFields)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.clojure
Classes in org.apache.storm.clojure that implement Tuple Modifier and Type Class Description class
Methods in org.apache.storm.clojure with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
ClojureBolt. execute(Tuple input)
Constructors in org.apache.storm.clojure with parameters of type Tuple Constructor Description ClojureTuple(Tuple t)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.coordination
Methods in org.apache.storm.coordination with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
BatchOutputCollectorImpl. ack(Tuple tup)
CoordinatedBolt.CoordinatedOutputCollector. ack(Tuple tuple)
BatchBoltExecutor. execute(Tuple input)
CoordinatedBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
IBatchBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
BatchOutputCollectorImpl. fail(Tuple tup)
CoordinatedBolt.CoordinatedOutputCollector. fail(Tuple tuple)
CoordinatedBolt.CoordinatedOutputCollector. resetTimeout(Tuple tuple)
Method parameters in org.apache.storm.coordination with type arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description List<Integer>
CoordinatedBolt.CoordinatedOutputCollector. emit(String stream, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
CoordinatedBolt.CoordinatedOutputCollector. emitDirect(int task, String stream, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.daemon
Methods in org.apache.storm.daemon that return Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description Tuple
Task. getTuple(String stream, List values)
Methods in org.apache.storm.daemon with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
Acker. execute(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.drpc
Methods in org.apache.storm.drpc with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
JoinResult. execute(Tuple tuple)
KeyedFairBolt. execute(Tuple input)
PrepareRequest. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
ReturnResults. execute(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.executor.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.executor.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
BoltOutputCollectorImpl. ack(Tuple input)
BoltOutputCollectorImpl. fail(Tuple input)
BoltOutputCollectorImpl. resetTimeout(Tuple input)
Method parameters in org.apache.storm.executor.bolt with type arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description List<Integer>
BoltOutputCollectorImpl. emit(String streamId, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
BoltOutputCollectorImpl. emitDirect(int taskId, String streamId, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.flux.examples
Methods in org.apache.storm.flux.examples with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
StatefulWordCounter. execute(Tuple tuple)
TestPrintBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
WordCounter. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.flux.wrappers.bolts
Methods in org.apache.storm.flux.wrappers.bolts with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
LogInfoBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector basicOutputCollector)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractHdfsBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
HdfsFileTopology.MyBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
SequenceFileTopology.MyBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
protected org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
AbstractHdfsBolt. getBasePathForNextFile(Tuple tuple)
protected abstract String
AbstractHdfsBolt. getWriterKey(Tuple tuple)
protected String
AvroGenericRecordBolt. getWriterKey(Tuple tuple)
AvroGenericRecordBolt must override this method because messages with different schemas cannot be written to the same file.protected String
HdfsBolt. getWriterKey(Tuple tuple)
protected String
SequenceFileBolt. getWriterKey(Tuple tuple)
protected abstract Writer
AbstractHdfsBolt. makeNewWriter(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path, Tuple tuple)
protected AbstractHDFSWriter
AvroGenericRecordBolt. makeNewWriter(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path, Tuple tuple)
protected AbstractHDFSWriter
HdfsBolt. makeNewWriter(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path, Tuple tuple)
protected AbstractHDFSWriter
SequenceFileBolt. makeNewWriter(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path, Tuple tuple)
Writer. write(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format
Methods in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.format with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description byte[]
DelimitedRecordFormat. format(Tuple tuple)
RecordFormat. format(Tuple tuple)
DefaultSequenceFormat. key(Tuple tuple)
SequenceFormat. key(Tuple tuple)
Given a tuple, return the key that should be written to the sequence
DefaultSequenceFormat. value(Tuple tuple)
SequenceFormat. value(Tuple tuple)
Given a tuple, return the value that should be written to the sequence file. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation
Methods in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.rotation with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
FileRotationPolicy. mark(Tuple tuple, long offset)
Called for every tuple the HdfsBolt executes.boolean
FileSizeRotationPolicy. mark(Tuple tuple, long offset)
NoRotationPolicy. mark(Tuple tuple, long offset)
TimedRotationPolicy. mark(Tuple tuple, long offset)
Called for every tuple the HdfsBolt executes. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.sync
Methods in org.apache.storm.hdfs.bolt.sync with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
CountSyncPolicy. mark(Tuple tuple, long offset)
SyncPolicy. mark(Tuple tuple, long offset)
Called for every tuple the HdfsBolt executes. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.hdfs.common
Methods in org.apache.storm.hdfs.common with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description protected abstract void
AbstractHDFSWriter. doWrite(Tuple tuple)
protected void
AvroGenericRecordHDFSWriter. doWrite(Tuple tuple)
protected void
HDFSWriter. doWrite(Tuple tuple)
protected void
SequenceFileWriter. doWrite(Tuple tuple)
NullPartitioner. getPartitionPath(Tuple tuple)
Partitioner. getPartitionPath(Tuple tuple)
Return a relative path that the tuple should be written to.long
AbstractHDFSWriter. write(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.hdfs.spout
Methods in org.apache.storm.hdfs.spout with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
HdfsSpoutTopology.ConstBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.hive.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.hive.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
HiveBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.hive.bolt.mapper
Methods in org.apache.storm.hive.bolt.mapper with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description List<String>
DelimitedRecordHiveMapper. mapPartitions(Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.List<String>
HiveMapper. mapPartitions(Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Given a tuple, return a hive partition values list.List<String>
JsonRecordHiveMapper. mapPartitions(Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.byte[]
DelimitedRecordHiveMapper. mapRecord(Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.byte[]
HiveMapper. mapRecord(Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Given a tuple, maps to a HiveRecord based on columnFields.byte[]
JsonRecordHiveMapper. mapRecord(Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.void
DelimitedRecordHiveMapper. write(org.apache.hive.hcatalog.streaming.TransactionBatch txnBatch, Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.void
HiveMapper. write(org.apache.hive.hcatalog.streaming.TransactionBatch txnBatch, Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.void
JsonRecordHiveMapper. write(org.apache.hive.hcatalog.streaming.TransactionBatch txnBatch, Tuple tuple)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. -
Uses of Tuple in
Fields in declared as Tuple Modifier and Type Field Description Tuple
BoltAckInfo. tuple
BoltExecuteInfo. tuple
BoltFailInfo. tuple
Constructors in with parameters of type Tuple Constructor Description BoltAckInfo(Tuple tuple, int ackingTaskId, Long processLatencyMs)
BoltExecuteInfo(Tuple tuple, int executingTaskId, Long executeLatencyMs)
BoltFailInfo(Tuple tuple, int failingTaskId, Long failLatencyMs)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.jdbc.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.jdbc.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
JdbcInsertBolt. process(Tuple tuple)
protected void
JdbcLookupBolt. process(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.jms.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.jms.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
JmsBolt. process(Tuple input)
Consumes a tuple and sends a JMS message. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.jms.example
Methods in org.apache.storm.jms.example with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
GenericBolt. execute(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.kafka.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.kafka.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
KafkaBolt. process(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.kafka.bolt.mapper
Methods in org.apache.storm.kafka.bolt.mapper with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description K
FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper. getKeyFromTuple(Tuple tuple)
TupleToKafkaMapper. getKeyFromTuple(Tuple tuple)
FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper. getMessageFromTuple(Tuple tuple)
TupleToKafkaMapper. getMessageFromTuple(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.kafka.bolt.selector
Methods in org.apache.storm.kafka.bolt.selector with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description String
DefaultTopicSelector. getTopic(Tuple tuple)
FieldIndexTopicSelector. getTopic(Tuple tuple)
FieldNameTopicSelector. getTopic(Tuple tuple)
KafkaTopicSelector. getTopic(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.kafka.spout
Methods in org.apache.storm.kafka.spout with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
KafkaSpoutTestBolt. execute(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.lambda
Methods in org.apache.storm.lambda with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
LambdaBiConsumerBolt. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
LambdaConsumerBolt. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
Constructor parameters in org.apache.storm.lambda with type arguments of type Tuple Constructor Description LambdaBiConsumerBolt(SerializableBiConsumer<Tuple,BasicOutputCollector> biConsumer, String[] fields)
LambdaConsumerBolt(SerializableConsumer<Tuple> consumer)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.loadgen
Methods in org.apache.storm.loadgen with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
LoadBolt. execute(Tuple input)
ThroughputVsLatency.SplitSentence. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
ThroughputVsLatency.WordCount. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.metric
Methods in org.apache.storm.metric with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
EventLoggerBolt. execute(Tuple input)
MetricsConsumerBolt. execute(Tuple input)
SystemBolt. execute(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.perf
Methods in org.apache.storm.perf with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description byte[]
KafkaClientHdfsTopo.LineWriter. format(Tuple tuple)
StrGenSpoutHdfsBoltTopo.LineWriter. format(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.perf.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.perf.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
CountBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
DevNullBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
IdBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
SplitSentenceBolt. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.perf.utils
Methods in org.apache.storm.perf.utils with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
IdentityBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.redis.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.redis.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
RedisFilterBolt. process(Tuple input)
Process a single non-tick tuple of input.void
RedisLookupBolt. process(Tuple input)
Process a single non-tick tuple of input.void
RedisStoreBolt. process(Tuple input)
Process a single non-tick tuple of input. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.redis.topology
Methods in org.apache.storm.redis.topology with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
LookupWordCount.PrintWordTotalCountBolt. execute(Tuple input)
WhitelistWordCount.PrintWordTotalCountBolt. execute(Tuple input)
WordCounter. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.serialization
Methods in org.apache.storm.serialization that return Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description Tuple
ITupleDeserializer. deserialize(byte[] ser)
Methods in org.apache.storm.serialization with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description byte[]
ITupleSerializer. serialize(Tuple tuple)
KryoTupleSerializer. serialize(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.spout
Methods in org.apache.storm.spout with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description static boolean
CheckpointSpout. isCheckpoint(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.sql.runtime.datasource.socket.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.sql.runtime.datasource.socket.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
SocketBolt. execute(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.sql.runtime.streams.functions
Methods in org.apache.storm.sql.runtime.streams.functions with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description Values
StreamsScanTupleValueMapper. apply(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in
Methods in with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description static TimeData
TimeData. fromTuple(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.starter
Methods in org.apache.storm.starter with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
AnchoredWordCount.SplitSentence. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
AnchoredWordCount.WordCount. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
BasicDRPCTopology.ExclaimBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
BlobStoreAPIWordCountTopology.FilterWords. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
ExclamationTopology.ExclamationBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
FastWordCountTopology.SplitSentence. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
FastWordCountTopology.WordCount. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
InOrderDeliveryTest.Check. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
ManualDRPC.ExclamationBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
MultipleLoggerTopology.ExclamationLoggingBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
MultiThreadWordCountTopology.MultiThreadedSplitSentence. execute(Tuple input)
ReachTopology.CountAggregator. execute(Tuple tuple)
ReachTopology.GetFollowers. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
ReachTopology.GetTweeters. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
ReachTopology.PartialUniquer. execute(Tuple tuple)
ResourceAwareExampleTopology.ExclamationBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
StatefulTopology.PrinterBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
WordCountTopologyNode.WordCount. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.starter.bolt
Methods in org.apache.storm.starter.bolt with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractRankerBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
This method functions as a template method (design pattern).void
PrinterBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
RollingCountAggBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
RollingCountBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
SingleJoinBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
WordCountBolt. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
Uses of Tuple in
Methods in with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description static RankableObjectWithFields
RankableObjectWithFields. from(Tuple tuple)
Construct a new instance based on the providedTuple
. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.state
Methods in org.apache.storm.state with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
ISubscribedState. set(Object id, Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.streams
Methods in org.apache.storm.streams that return Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description Tuple
RefCountedTuple. tuple()
Methods in org.apache.storm.streams that return types with arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description Stream<Tuple>
StreamBuilder. newStream(IRichSpout spout)
Creates a newStream
of tuples from the givenIRichSpout
StreamBuilder. newStream(IRichSpout spout, int parallelism)
Creates a newStream
of tuples from the givenIRichSpout
with the given parallelism. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.streams.operations.mappers
Methods in org.apache.storm.streams.operations.mappers with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description Pair<K,V>
PairValueMapper. apply(Tuple input)
ValueMapper. apply(Tuple input)
ValuesMapper. apply(Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.task
Methods in org.apache.storm.task with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
IOutputCollector. ack(Tuple input)
OutputCollector. ack(Tuple input)
OutputCollector. emit(String streamId, Tuple anchor, List<Object> tuple)
Emits a new tuple to a specific stream with a single anchor.List<Integer>
OutputCollector. emit(Tuple anchor, List<Object> tuple)
Emits a new tuple to the default stream anchored on a single tuple.void
OutputCollector. emitDirect(int taskId, String streamId, Tuple anchor, List<Object> tuple)
Emits a tuple directly to the specified task id on the specified stream.void
OutputCollector. emitDirect(int taskId, Tuple anchor, List<Object> tuple)
Emits a tuple directly to the specified task id on the default stream.void
IBolt. execute(Tuple input)
Process a single tuple of input.void
ShellBolt. execute(Tuple input)
IOutputCollector. fail(Tuple input)
OutputCollector. fail(Tuple input)
IOutputCollector. resetTimeout(Tuple input)
OutputCollector. resetTimeout(Tuple input)
Resets the message timeout for any tuple trees to which the given tuple belongs.Method parameters in org.apache.storm.task with type arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description List<Integer>
IOutputCollector. emit(String streamId, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
Returns the task ids that received the tuples.List<Integer>
OutputCollector. emit(String streamId, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
OutputCollector. emit(Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
Emits a new tuple to the default stream anchored on a group of input tuples.void
IOutputCollector. emitDirect(int taskId, String streamId, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
OutputCollector. emitDirect(int taskId, String streamId, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
OutputCollector. emitDirect(int taskId, Collection<Tuple> anchors, List<Object> tuple)
Emits a tuple directly to the specified task id on the default stream. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.testing
Methods in org.apache.storm.testing with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
IdentityBolt. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
NonRichBoltTracker. execute(Tuple input)
PrepareBatchBolt. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
TestAggregatesCounter. execute(Tuple input)
TestConfBolt. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
TestEventOrderCheckBolt. execute(Tuple input)
TestGlobalCount. execute(Tuple input)
TestPlannerBolt. execute(Tuple input)
TestWordCounter. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
TupleCaptureBolt. execute(Tuple input)
protected String
TestWordBytesCounter. getTupleValue(Tuple t, int idx)
protected String
TestWordCounter. getTupleValue(Tuple t, int idx)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.topology
Methods in org.apache.storm.topology that return types with arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description protected WindowLifecycleListener<Tuple>
PersistentWindowedBoltExecutor. newWindowLifecycleListener()
protected WindowLifecycleListener<Tuple>
StatefulWindowedBoltExecutor. newWindowLifecycleListener()
protected WindowLifecycleListener<Tuple>
WindowedBoltExecutor. newWindowLifecycleListener()
Methods in org.apache.storm.topology with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
BaseStatefulBoltExecutor. execute(Tuple input)
BasicBoltExecutor. execute(Tuple input)
IBasicBolt. execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector)
Process the input tuple and optionally emit new tuples based on the input tuple.void
IStatefulBolt. execute(Tuple input)
Analogue to bolt function.void
PersistentWindowedBoltExecutor. execute(Tuple input)
StatefulWindowedBoltExecutor. execute(Tuple input)
WindowedBoltExecutor. execute(Tuple input)
TupleFieldTimestampExtractor. extractTimestamp(Tuple tuple)
protected abstract void
BaseStatefulBoltExecutor. handleCheckpoint(Tuple checkpointTuple, CheckPointState.Action action, long txid)
Sub-classes can implement the logic for handling checkpoint tuple.protected void
CheckpointTupleForwarder. handleCheckpoint(Tuple checkpointTuple, CheckPointState.Action action, long txid)
Forwards the checkpoint tuple downstream.protected void
StatefulBoltExecutor. handleCheckpoint(Tuple checkpointTuple, CheckPointState.Action action, long txid)
protected abstract void
BaseStatefulBoltExecutor. handleTuple(Tuple input)
Sub-classes can implement the logic for handling the tuple.protected void
CheckpointTupleForwarder. handleTuple(Tuple input)
Hands off tuple to the wrapped bolt to execute.protected void
StatefulBoltExecutor. handleTuple(Tuple input)
BasicOutputCollector. resetTimeout(Tuple tuple)
Resets the message timeout for any tuple trees to which the given tuple belongs.void
IBasicOutputCollector. resetTimeout(Tuple tuple)
BasicOutputCollector. setContext(Tuple inputTuple)
Method parameters in org.apache.storm.topology with type arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
WindowedBoltExecutor. boltExecute(Supplier<Iterator<Tuple>> tuples, Supplier<Iterator<Tuple>> newTuples, Supplier<Iterator<Tuple>> expiredTuples, Long timestamp)
protected void
WindowedBoltExecutor. boltExecute(List<Tuple> tuples, List<Tuple> newTuples, List<Tuple> expiredTuples, Long timestamp)
protected void
WindowedBoltExecutor. doPrepare(Map<String,Object> topoConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector, Collection<Event<Tuple>> queue, boolean stateful)
TopologyBuilder. setBolt(String id, SerializableBiConsumer<Tuple,BasicOutputCollector> biConsumer, Number parallelismHint, String... fields)
Define a new bolt in this topology.BoltDeclarer
TopologyBuilder. setBolt(String id, SerializableBiConsumer<Tuple,BasicOutputCollector> biConsumer, String... fields)
Define a new bolt in this topology.BoltDeclarer
TopologyBuilder. setBolt(String id, SerializableConsumer<Tuple> consumer)
Define a new bolt in this topology.BoltDeclarer
TopologyBuilder. setBolt(String id, SerializableConsumer<Tuple> consumer, Number parallelismHint)
Define a new bolt in this topology. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.topology.base
Methods in org.apache.storm.topology.base with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
BaseTickTupleAwareRichBolt. execute(Tuple tuple)
Process a single tuple of input.protected void
BaseTickTupleAwareRichBolt. onTickTuple(Tuple tuple)
Process a single tick tuple of input.protected abstract void
BaseTickTupleAwareRichBolt. process(Tuple tuple)
Process a single non-tick tuple of input. -
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.trident.planner
Methods in org.apache.storm.trident.planner with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
SubtopologyBolt. execute(BatchInfo batchInfo, Tuple tuple)
SubtopologyBolt.InitialReceiver. receive(ProcessorContext context, Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.trident.spout
Methods in org.apache.storm.trident.spout with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
TridentSpoutCoordinator. execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector)
TridentSpoutExecutor. execute(BatchInfo info, Tuple input)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.trident.topology
Methods in org.apache.storm.trident.topology with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
ITridentBatchBolt. execute(BatchInfo batchInfo, Tuple tuple)
TridentBoltExecutor. execute(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.trident.tuple
Methods in org.apache.storm.trident.tuple with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description TridentTuple
TridentTupleView.RootFactory. create(Tuple parent)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.tuple
Classes in org.apache.storm.tuple that implement Tuple Modifier and Type Class Description class
Fields in org.apache.storm.tuple declared as Tuple Modifier and Type Field Description Tuple
AddressedTuple. tuple
Methods in org.apache.storm.tuple that return Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description Tuple
AddressedTuple. getTuple()
Constructors in org.apache.storm.tuple with parameters of type Tuple Constructor Description AddressedTuple(int dest, Tuple tuple)
TupleImpl(Tuple t)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.utils
Methods in org.apache.storm.utils that return types with arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description List<Tuple>
BatchHelper. getBatchTuples()
Methods in org.apache.storm.utils with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description void
BatchHelper. addBatch(Tuple tuple)
static boolean
TupleUtils. isTick(Tuple tuple)
BatchHelper. shouldHandle(Tuple tuple)
Uses of Tuple in org.apache.storm.windowing
Methods in org.apache.storm.windowing that return types with arguments of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description List<Tuple>
TupleWindowImpl. get()
TupleWindowIterImpl. get()
TupleWindowImpl. getExpired()
TupleWindowIterImpl. getExpired()
TupleWindowIterImpl. getIter()
TupleWindowImpl. getNew()
TupleWindowIterImpl. getNew()
Methods in org.apache.storm.windowing with parameters of type Tuple Modifier and Type Method Description long
TimestampExtractor. extractTimestamp(Tuple tuple)
Return the tuple timestamp indicating the time when the event happened.Constructor parameters in org.apache.storm.windowing with type arguments of type Tuple Constructor Description TupleWindowImpl(List<Tuple> tuples, List<Tuple> newTuples, List<Tuple> expiredTuples)
TupleWindowImpl(List<Tuple> tuples, List<Tuple> newTuples, List<Tuple> expiredTuples, Long startTimestamp, Long endTimestamp)
TupleWindowIterImpl(Supplier<Iterator<Tuple>> tuplesIt, Supplier<Iterator<Tuple>> newTuplesIt, Supplier<Iterator<Tuple>> expiredTuplesIt, Long startTimestamp, Long endTimestamp)