All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAvroSerializer |
This abstract class can be extended to implement concrete classes capable of (de)serializing generic avro objects
across a Topology.
AbstractDNSToSwitchMapping |
This is a base class for DNS to Switch mappings.
AbstractHadoopAutoCreds |
The base class that for auto credential plugins that abstracts out some of the common functionality.
AbstractHadoopNimbusPluginAutoCreds |
The base class that for auto credential plugins that abstracts out some of the common functionality.
AbstractHdfsBolt |
AbstractHDFSWriter |
AbstractJdbcBolt |
AbstractRankerBolt |
This abstract bolt provides the basic behavior of bolts that rank objects according to their count.
AbstractRedisBolt |
AbstractRedisBolt class is for users to implement custom bolts which makes interaction with Redis.
AbstractRedisMapState<T> |
AbstractRedisMapState is base class of any RedisMapState, which implements IBackingMap.
AbstractRedisStateQuerier<T extends State> |
AbstractRedisStateQuerier is base class of any RedisStateQuerier, which implements BaseQueryFunction.
AbstractRedisStateUpdater<T extends State> |
AbstractRedisStateUpdater is base class of any RedisStateUpdater, which implements BaseStateUpdater.
AbstractStreamsProcessor |
AbstractTridentWindowManager<T> |
Basic functionality to manage trident tuple events using WindowManager and WindowsStore for storing tuples and triggers
related information.
AbstractUserTopology |
For topology-related code reusage.
AccessControl |
AccessControl._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
AccessControlType |
AccessLoggingFilter |
Acker |
AckFailDelegate |
AckFailMapTracker |
AckTracker |
AclEnforcement |
This is code intended to enforce ZK ACLs.
Activate |
AddressedTuple |
A Tuple that is addressed to a destination.
AdminCommands |
AdminCommands.AdminCommand |
AdvancedFSOps |
AetherUtils |
Utility class of Aether.
AggLevel |
Specifies the available timeframes for Metric aggregation.
AggregateByKeyProcessor<K,V,A,R> |
AggregateExample |
An example that illustrates the global aggregate.
AggregateProcessor<T,A,R> |
AggregateProcessor |
Aggregator<T> |
AlreadyAliveException |
AlreadyAliveException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
AlternateRackDNSToSwitchMapping |
This class implements the DNSToSwitchMapping interface It alternates bewteen RACK1 and RACK2 for the hosts.
AnchoredWordCount |
AnchoredWordCount.RandomSentenceSpout |
AnchoredWordCount.SplitSentence |
AnchoredWordCount.WordCount |
AppendCollector |
ArrayListSerializer |
ArtifactoryConfigLoader |
A dynamic loader that can load scheduler configurations for user resource guarantees from Artifactory (an artifact repository manager).
ArtifactoryConfigLoaderFactory |
Factory class for ArtifactoryConfigLoader.
Assembly |
The `Assembly` interface provides a means to encapsulate logic applied to a Stream .
AssignableMetric |
AssignableShellMetric |
Assignment |
Assignment._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
AssignmentDistributionService |
A service for distributing master assignments to supervisors, this service makes the assignments notification
AsyncLocalizer |
Downloads and caches blobs locally.
AtomicOutputStream |
An output stream where all of the data is committed on close, or can be canceled with cancel.
AuthNimbusOp |
AuthorizationException |
AuthorizationException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
AuthorizationExceptionMapper |
AuthorizationExceptionMapper |
AuthorizedUserFilter |
AutoHBase |
Auto credentials plugin for HBase implementation.
AutoHBaseCommand |
Command tool of Hive credential renewer.
AutoHBaseNimbus |
Auto credentials nimbus plugin for HBase implementation.
AutoHDFS |
Auto credentials plugin for HDFS implementation.
AutoHDFSCommand |
Command tool of HDFS credential renewer.
AutoHDFSNimbus |
Auto credentials nimbus plugin for HDFS implementation.
AutoHive |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
AutoHiveCommand |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
AutoHiveNimbus |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
AutoSSL |
This plugin is intended to be used for user topologies to send SSL keystore/truststore files to the remote workers.
AutoTGT |
Automatically take a user's TGT, and push it, and renew it in Nimbus.
AutoTGTKrb5LoginModule |
Custom LoginModule to enable Auto Login based on cached ticket.
AutoTGTKrb5LoginModuleTest |
Custom LoginModule extended for testing.
AvroGenericRecordBolt |
AvroGenericRecordHDFSWriter |
AvroSchemaRegistry |
AvroScheme |
AvroScheme uses generic(without code generation) instead of specific(with code generation) readers.
AvroSerializer |
AvroSerializer uses generic(without code generation) instead of specific(with code generation) writers.
AvroUtils |
BackPressureStatus |
BackPressureStatusEncoder |
BackPressureTopo |
BackPressureTracker |
Tracks the BackPressure status.
BackPressureTracker.BackpressureState |
Base64ToBinaryStateMigrationUtil |
BaseAggregator<T> |
BaseBasicBolt |
BaseBatchBolt<T> |
BaseBinaryStateIterator<K,V> |
Base implementation of iterator over KeyValueState which encoded types of key and value are both binary type.
BaseComponent |
BaseConfigurationDeclarer<T extends ComponentConfigurationDeclarer> |
BaseFilter |
BaseFunction |
BaseMultiReducer<T> |
BaseOperation |
Convenience implementation of the Operation interface.
BaseQueryFunction<S extends State,T> |
BaseResourceAwareStrategy |
BaseResourceAwareStrategy.NodeSortType |
Different node sorting types available.
BaseRichBolt |
BaseRichSpout |
BaseStatefulBolt<T extends State> |
BaseStatefulBoltExecutor |
Base class that abstracts the common logic for executing bolts in a stateful topology.
BaseStatefulBoltExecutor.AnchoringOutputCollector |
BaseStatefulWindowedBolt<T extends State> |
BaseStateUpdater<S extends State> |
BaseTaskHook |
BaseTickTupleAwareRichBolt |
This class is based on BaseRichBolt, but is aware of tick tuple.
BaseWindow<L,I> |
BaseWindowConfig |
BaseWindowedBolt |
BaseWindowedBolt.Count |
Holds a count value for count based windows and sliding intervals.
BaseWindowedBolt.Duration |
Holds a Time duration for time based windows and sliding intervals.
BaseWindowStrategy<T> |
BaseWorkerHook |
A BaseWorkerHook is a noop implementation of IWorkerHook.
BasicBoltExecutor |
BasicContainer |
A container that runs processes on the local box.
BasicContainerLauncher |
Launch containers with no security using standard java commands.
BasicDrpcClient |
A simple client for connecting to DRPC.
BasicDRPCTopology |
This topology is a basic example of doing distributed RPC on top of Storm.
BasicDRPCTopology.ExclaimBolt |
BasicMetricsCollector |
BasicMetricsCollector.MetricsCollectorConfig |
BasicMetricsCollector.MetricsItem |
BasicOutputCollector |
BatchBoltExecutor |
BatchHelper |
BatchInfo |
BatchOutputCollector |
BatchOutputCollectorImpl |
BatchProcessor |
Top level marker interface for processors that computes results for a batch of tuples like Aggregate, Join etc.
BatchSpoutExecutor |
BatchSpoutExecutor.EmptyCoordinator |
BatchSubtopologyBuilder |
BeanDef |
A representation of a Java object that is uniquely identifyable, and given a className, constructor arguments,
and properties, can be instantiated.
BeanListReference |
A bean list reference is a list of bean reference.
BeanReference |
A bean reference is simply a string pointer to another id.
BeginDownloadResult |
BeginDownloadResult._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
BiFunction<T,U,R> |
a function that accepts two arguments and produces a result.
BlacklistScheduler |
BlkioCore |
BlkioCore.RecordType |
BlobChangingCallback |
Callback for when a localized blob is going to change.
BlobKeySequenceInfo |
Blobstore |
BlobStore |
Provides a way to store blobs that can be downloaded.
BlobStore.KeyTranslationIterator |
Blob store implements its own version of iterator to list the blobs.
BlobStoreAclHandler |
Provides common handling of acls for Blobstores.
BlobStoreAPIWordCountTopology |
BlobStoreAPIWordCountTopology.FilterWords |
BlobStoreAPIWordCountTopology.RandomSentenceSpout |
BlobStoreAPIWordCountTopology.SplitSentence |
BlobStoreFile |
Provides an base implementation for creating a blobstore based on file backed storage.
BlobStoreUtils |
BlockingOutstandingRequest |
BlowfishTupleSerializer |
Apply Blowfish encryption for tuple communication to bolts.
Bolt |
Bolt._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
BoltAckInfo |
BoltAggregateStats |
BoltAggregateStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
BoltDeclarer |
BoltDeclarer includes grouping APIs for storm topology.
BoltDef |
Bean representation of a Storm bolt.
BoltExecuteInfo |
BoltExecutor |
BoltExecutorStats |
BoltFailInfo |
BoltMsg |
BoltMsg is an object that represents the data sent from a shell component to a bolt process that implements a multi-language protocol.
BoltOutputCollectorImpl |
BoltStats |
BoltStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
BoltTracker |
Booter |
Manage mvn repository.
BranchExample |
An example that demonstrates the usage of Stream.branch(Predicate[]) to split a stream
into multiple branches based on predicates.
BranchProcessor<T> |
BridgeReceiver |
BucketTestHiveTopology |
BucketTestHiveTopology.UserDataSpout |
BufferFileInputStream |
BufferInputStream |
BuiltinMetricsUtil |
ByTopicRecordTranslator<K,V> |
Based off of a given Kafka topic a ConsumerRecord came from it will be translated to a Storm tuple
and emitted to a given stream.
CachedBatchReadsMap<T> |
CachedBatchReadsMap.RetVal<T> |
CachedMap<T> |
Useful to layer over a map that communicates with a database.
CachedSchemas |
CaptureCollector |
CaptureLoad |
Capture running topologies for load gen later on.
CgroupCenter |
CgroupCommon |
CgroupCommonOperation |
CgroupCore |
CgroupCoreFactory |
CGroupCpu |
Deprecated. |
CGroupCpu |
Report CPU used in the cgroup.
CGroupCpuGuarantee |
Deprecated. |
CGroupCpuGuarantee |
Report the guaranteed number of cpu percentage this worker has requested.
CGroupCpuGuaranteeByCfsQuota |
Deprecated. |
CGroupCpuGuaranteeByCfsQuota |
Report the percentage of the cpu guaranteed for the worker.
CGroupCpuStat |
CgroupManager |
Class that implements ResourceIsolationInterface that manages cgroups.
CGroupMemoryLimit |
Deprecated. |
CGroupMemoryLimit |
Reports the current memory limit of the cgroup for this worker.
CGroupMemoryUsage |
Deprecated. |
CGroupMemoryUsage |
Reports the current memory usage of the cgroup for this worker.
CGroupMetricsBase<T> |
Deprecated. |
CGroupMetricsBase |
Base class for checking if CGroups are enabled, etc.
CgroupOperation |
An interface to implement the basic functions to manage cgroups such as mount and mounting a hiearchy and creating cgroups.
CgroupUtils |
ChainedAggregatorDeclarer |
ChainedAggregatorDeclarer.AggregationPartition |
ChainedAggregatorImpl |
ChainedFullAggregatorDeclarer |
ChainedPartitionAggregatorDeclarer |
ChainedProcessorContext<T> |
ChainedResult |
CheckpointSpout |
Emits checkpoint tuples which is used to save the state of the IStatefulComponent across the topology.
CheckPointState |
CheckPointState.Action |
CheckPointState.State |
CheckpointTupleForwarder |
Wraps IRichBolt and forwards checkpoint tuples in a stateful topology.
CLI.Assoc |
CLI.CLIBuilder |
CLI.Parse |
Client |
A Netty client for sending task messages to a remote destination (Netty server).
ClientAuthUtils |
ClientBlobStore |
The ClientBlobStore has two concrete implementations 1.
ClientBlobStore.WithBlobstore |
ClientCallbackHandler |
SASL client side callback handler.
ClientFactory<K,V> |
This is here to enable testing.
ClientFactoryDefault<K,V> |
ClientMetricsUtils |
ClientStatsUtil |
Stats calculations needed by storm client code.
ClientSupervisorUtils |
ClientZookeeper |
ClojureBolt |
ClojureSerializationRegister |
ClojureSpout |
ClojureTransformer |
ClojureTuple |
ClojureUtil |
Cluster |
The current state of the storm cluster.
ClusterMetricsConsumerExecutor |
ClusterStateContext |
This class is intended to provide runtime-context to StateStorageFactory implementors, giving information such as what daemon is creating
ClusterStateListener |
ClusterSummary |
ClusterSummary._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ClusterUtils |
ClusterWorkerHeartbeat |
ClusterWorkerHeartbeat._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
CoGroupByKeyProcessor<K,V1,V2> |
co-group by key implementation.
Column<T> |
A database table can be defined as a list of rows and each row can be defined as a list of columns where
each column instance has a name, a value and a type.
ColumnConstraint |
ColumnConstraint.PrimaryKey |
ColumnDefinition |
CombinedMetric |
CombinedShellMetric |
CombinerAggregator<T,A,R> |
Interface for aggregating values.
CombinerAggregator<T> |
CombinerAggregatorCombineImpl |
CombinerAggregatorInitImpl |
CombinerAggStateUpdater |
CombinerValueUpdater |
ComboList |
ComboList.Factory |
CommandExec |
CommitMetadata |
Object representing metadata committed to Kafka.
CommitMetadataManager |
Generates and reads commit metadata.
CommonAggregateStats |
CommonAggregateStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
CommonKafkaSpoutConfig<K,V> |
CommonKafkaSpoutConfig.Builder<K,V,T extends CommonKafkaSpoutConfig.Builder<K,V,T>> |
CommonStats |
ComparisonAggregator<T> |
Abstract Aggregator for comparing two values in a stream.
ComparisonAggregator.State |
CompilerUtil |
CompilerUtil.TableBuilderInfo |
CompilingClassLoader |
This is a Java ClassLoader that will attempt to load a class from a string of source code.
CompilingClassLoader.CompilerException |
Thrown when code cannot be compiled.
CompletableSpout |
CompleteTopologyParam |
The param class for the `Testing.completeTopology`.
Component |
ComponentAggregateStats |
ComponentAggregateStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ComponentCommon |
ComponentCommon._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ComponentConfigurationDeclarer<T extends ComponentConfigurationDeclarer> |
ComponentObject |
ComponentObject._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ComponentPageInfo |
ComponentPageInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ComponentType |
CompoundSpout |
CompoundTask |
Config |
Topology configs are specified as a plain old map.
ConfigLoaderFactoryService |
The user interface to create a concrete IConfigLoader instance for use.
ConfigMethodDef |
Configs |
Configs.ReaderTypeValidator |
ConfigurableTopology |
Extensions of this class takes a reference to one or more configuration files.
ConfigUtils |
ConfigValidation |
Provides functionality for validating configuration fields.
ConfigValidation.BooleanValidator |
ConfigValidation.ClusterMetricRegistryValidator |
ConfigValidation.CustomIsExactlyOneOfValidators |
ConfigValidation.DerivedTypeValidator |
Checks if the named type derives from the specified Class.
ConfigValidation.DoubleValidator |
ConfigValidation.EventLoggerRegistryValidator |
ConfigValidation.ImpersonationAclUserEntryValidator |
Validates an entry for ImpersonationAclUser.
ConfigValidation.ImplementsClassValidator |
ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator |
Validates a Integer.
ConfigValidation.KryoRegValidator |
Validates Kryo Registration.
ConfigValidation.ListEntryCustomValidator |
Validates each entry in a list against a list of custom Validators.
ConfigValidation.ListEntryTypeValidator |
Validates each entry in a list.
ConfigValidation.ListOfListOfStringValidator |
Validates a list of a list of Strings.
ConfigValidation.LongValidator |
Validates a Long.
ConfigValidation.MapEntryCustomValidator |
validates each key and each value against the respective arrays of validators.
ConfigValidation.MapEntryTypeValidator |
validates each key and value in a map of a certain type.
ConfigValidation.MapOfStringToMapOfStringToObjectValidator |
ConfigValidation.MetricRegistryValidator |
ConfigValidation.MetricReportersValidator |
ConfigValidation.NoDuplicateInListValidator |
validates a list of has no duplicates.
ConfigValidation.NotNullValidator |
Validates if an object is not null.
ConfigValidation.NumberValidator |
ConfigValidation.PacemakerAuthTypeValidator |
ConfigValidation.PositiveNumberValidator |
Validates a positive number.
ConfigValidation.PowerOf2Validator |
Validates if a number is a power of 2.
ConfigValidation.RasConstraintsTypeValidator |
ConfigValidation.SimpleTypeValidator |
Validates basic types.
ConfigValidation.StringOrStringListValidator |
Validates a String or a list of Strings.
ConfigValidation.StringValidator |
ConfigValidation.UserResourcePoolEntryValidator |
ConfigValidation.Validator |
ConfigValidationAnnotations |
Note: every annotation interface must have method `validatorClass()` For every annotation there must validator class to do the validation
To add another annotation for config validation, add another annotation @interface class.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.CustomValidator |
For custom validators.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsBoolean |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsDerivedFrom |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsExactlyOneOf |
Custom validator where exactly one of the validations must be successful.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsImplementationOfClass |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsInteger |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsKryoReg |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsListEntryCustom |
Validates each entry in a list with a list of validators Validators with fields: validatorClass and entryValidatorClass.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsListEntryType |
validates each entry in a list is of a certain type.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsLong |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsMapEntryCustom |
Validates a each key and value in a Map with a list of validators Validator with fields: validatorClass, keyValidatorClasses,
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsMapEntryType |
Validates the type of each key and value in a map Validator with fields: validatorClass, keyValidatorClass, valueValidatorClass.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsNoDuplicateInList |
Validates that there are no duplicates in a list.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsNumber |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsPositiveNumber |
Checks if a number is positive and whether zero inclusive Validator with fields: validatorClass, includeZero.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsPowerOf2 |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsString |
Validators with fields: validatorClass.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsStringList |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsStringOrStringList |
Complex/custom type validators.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.IsType |
Validators with fields: validatorClass and type.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.NotNull |
Validates on object is not null.
ConfigValidationAnnotations.Password |
ConfigValidationAnnotations.ValidatorParams |
Field names for annotations.
ConfigValidationUtils |
ConfigValidationUtils.FieldValidator |
Declares methods for validating configuration values.
ConfigValidationUtils.NestableFieldValidator |
Declares a method for validating configuration values that is nestable.
ConfigValue |
Read a value from the topology config map.
ConnectionProvider |
Provides a database connection.
ConnectionState |
ConnectionWithStatus |
ConnectionWithStatus.Status |
ConsList |
ConsolePreparableReporter |
ConsoleStormReporter |
Constants |
ConstraintSolverConfig |
Component constraint as derived from configuration.
ConstraintSolverStrategy |
ConstSpout |
ConstSpoutIdBoltNullBoltTopo |
ConstSpout -> IdBolt -> DevNullBolt This topology measures speed of messaging between spouts->bolt and bolt->bolt ConstSpout :
Continuously emits a constant string IdBolt : clones and emits input tuples DevNullBolt : discards incoming tuples.
ConstSpoutNullBoltTopo |
This topo helps measure the messaging peak throughput between a spout and a bolt.
ConstSpoutOnlyTopo |
This topo helps measure how fast a spout can produce data (so no bolts are attached).
Consumer<T> |
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
Consumer |
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
ConsumerExecutor |
Container |
Represents a container that a worker will run in.
Container.ContainerType |
ContainerLauncher |
Launches containers.
ContainerMemoryTracker |
ContainerRecoveryException |
Could not recover the container.
Context |
Context |
ControlMessage |
CoordinatedBolt |
Coordination requires the request ids to be globally unique for awhile.
CoordinatedBolt.FinishedCallback |
CoordinatedBolt.IdStreamSpec |
CoordinatedBolt.SourceArgs |
CoordinatedBolt.TimeoutCallback |
CoordinatedBolt.TrackingInfo |
Count<T> |
Computes the count of values.
Count |
CountAsAggregator |
CountBolt |
CountEvictionPolicy<T> |
An eviction policy that tracks event counts and can evict based on a threshold count.
CountMetric |
CountShellMetric |
CountStat |
Keeps track of approximate counts for the last 10 mins, 3 hours, 1 day, and all time.
CountSyncPolicy |
SyncPolicy implementation that will trigger a
file system sync after a certain number of tuples
have been processed.
CountSyncPolicy |
SyncPolicy implementation that will trigger a
file system sync after a certain number of tuples
have been processed.
CountTriggerPolicy<T> |
CpuacctCore |
CpuacctCore.StatType |
CpuCore |
CpuCore.Stat |
CPUMetric |
A metric using Sigar to get User and System CPU utilization for a worker.
CpusetCore |
CRC32OutputStream |
CredentialKeyProvider |
Provider interface for credential key.
Credentials |
Credentials._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
CsvPreparableReporter |
CsvScheme |
CsvScheme uses the standard RFC4180 CSV Parser
One of the difference from Tsv format is that fields with embedded commas will be quoted.
CsvSerializer |
CsvSerializer uses the standard RFC4180 CSV Parser
One of the difference from Tsv format is that fields with embedded commas will be quoted.
CsvStormReporter |
CuratorUtils |
CustomStreamGrouping |
DaemonCommon |
DaemonConfig |
Storm configs are specified as a plain old map.
DaemonConfigValidation |
DaemonConfigValidation.NumaEntryValidator |
DaemonType |
The type of process/daemon that this server is running as.
DataPoint |
DataPointExpander |
DataSourcesProvider |
DataSourcesRegistry |
Deactivate |
Debug |
Filter for debugging purposes.
DebuggableExecutableExpression |
DebugHelper |
DebugMemoryMapState<T> |
DebugMemoryMapState.Factory |
DebugOptions |
DebugOptions._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DefaultBlacklistStrategy |
The default strategy used for blacklisting hosts.
DefaultEvictionContext |
DefaultExceptionMapper |
DefaultFileNameFormat |
Creates file names with the following format:
DefaultFileNameFormat |
Creates file names with the following format:
DefaultHttpCredentialsPlugin |
DefaultKryoFactory |
DefaultKryoFactory.KryoSerializableDefault |
DefaultPool |
A pool of machines that anyone can use, but topologies are not isolated.
DefaultPrincipalToLocal |
Storm can be configured to launch worker processed as a given user.
DefaultRackDNSToSwitchMapping |
This class implements the DNSToSwitchMapping interface It returns the DEFAULT_RACK for every host.
DefaultRecordTranslator<K,V> |
DefaultResourceAwareStrategy |
DefaultResourceAwareStrategyOld |
DefaultResourceDeclarer<T extends DefaultResourceDeclarer> |
Default implementation of resources declarer.
DefaultResourceIsolationManager |
This is the default class to manage worker processes, including launching, killing, profiling and etc.
DefaultScheduler |
DefaultSchedulingPriorityStrategy |
DefaultSchedulingPriorityStrategy.SimulatedUser |
DefaultSequenceFormat |
Basic SequenceFormat implementation that uses
LongWritable for keys and Text for values.
DefaultSequenceFormat |
Basic SequenceFormat implementation that uses
LongWritable for keys and Text for values.
DefaultShellLogHandler |
DefaultStateEncoder<K,V> |
Default state encoder class for encoding/decoding key values.
DefaultStateSerializer<T> |
A default implementation that uses Kryo to serialize and de-serialize the state.
DefaultTopicSelector |
DefaultTopicSelector |
DefaultTopologyValidator |
DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler |
DefaultWatcherCallBack |
DelimitedRecordFormat |
RecordFormat implementation that uses field and record delimiters.
DelimitedRecordFormat |
RecordFormat implementation that uses field and record delimiters.
DelimitedRecordHiveMapper |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
DenyAuthorizer |
An authorization implementation that denies everything, for testing purposes.
DependencyBlobStoreUtils |
DependencyPropertiesParser |
DependencyResolver |
Resolver class of dependencies.
DependencyResolverMain |
Main class of dependency resolver.
DependencyUploader |
DeserializingConnectionCallback |
A class that is called when a TaskMessage arrives.
Device |
a class that represents a device in linux.
DevicesCore |
DevicesCore.Record |
DevNullBolt |
DevZookeeper |
DigestSaslTransportPlugin |
DimensionalReporter |
Class that allows using a ScheduledReporter to report V2 task metrics with support for dimensions.
DimensionalReporter.DimensionHandler |
DirectoryCleaner |
Provide methods to help Logviewer to clean up
files in directories and to get a list of files without
worrying about excessive memory usage.
DirLock |
Facility to synchronize access to HDFS directory.
DisallowedStrategyException |
DistributedRPC |
DistributedRPC.AsyncClient |
DistributedRPC.AsyncClient.execute_call |
DistributedRPC.AsyncClient.Factory |
DistributedRPC.AsyncIface |
DistributedRPC.AsyncProcessor<I extends DistributedRPC.AsyncIface> |
DistributedRPC.AsyncProcessor.execute<I extends DistributedRPC.AsyncIface> |
DistributedRPC.Client |
DistributedRPC.Client.Factory |
DistributedRPC.execute_args |
DistributedRPC.execute_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPC.execute_result |
DistributedRPC.execute_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPC.Iface |
DistributedRPC.Processor<I extends DistributedRPC.Iface> |
DistributedRPC.Processor.execute<I extends DistributedRPC.Iface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.Factory |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.failRequest_call |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.failRequestV2_call |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.fetchRequest_call |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncClient.result_call |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncIface |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncIface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.failRequest<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncIface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.failRequestV2<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncIface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.fetchRequest<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncIface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncProcessor.result<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.AsyncIface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.Client |
DistributedRPCInvocations.Client.Factory |
DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args |
DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result |
DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequest_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequestV2_args |
DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequestV2_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequestV2_result |
DistributedRPCInvocations.failRequestV2_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args |
DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result |
DistributedRPCInvocations.fetchRequest_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface |
DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.failRequest<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.failRequestV2<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.fetchRequest<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.Processor.result<I extends DistributedRPCInvocations.Iface> |
DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args |
DistributedRPCInvocations.result_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result |
DistributedRPCInvocations.result_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DNSToSwitchMapping |
An interface that must be implemented to allow pluggable DNS-name/IP-address to RackID resolvers.
DockerCommand |
DockerExecCommand |
Encapsulates the docker exec command and its command line arguments.
DockerInspectCommand |
Encapsulates the docker inspect command and its command line arguments.
DockerManager |
For security, we can launch worker processes inside the docker container.
DockerPsCommand |
DockerRmCommand |
Encapsulates the docker rm command and its command line arguments.
DockerRunCommand |
Encapsulates the docker run command and its command line arguments.
DockerStopCommand |
Encapsulates the docker stop command and its command line arguments.
DockerWaitCommand |
Encapsulates the docker wait command and its command line arguments.
DRPCApplication |
DRPCAuthorizerBase |
DRPCClient |
DRPCClient.LocalOverride |
DRPCExceptionMapper |
DRPCExceptionType |
DRPCExecutionException |
DRPCExecutionException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DRPCInvocationsClient |
DRPCRequest |
DRPCRequest._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
DRPCResource |
DRPCServer |
DRPCSimpleACLAuthorizer |
DRPCSimpleACLAuthorizer.AclFunctionEntry |
DRPCSpout |
DRPCThrift |
EachOperation |
EachProcessor |
EmitInfo |
EmittingProcessorContext<T> |
A context that emits the results to downstream processors which are in another bolt.
EmptyKafkaTupleListener |
EnumUtil |
Equals |
EquivalenceUtils |
ErrorEdgeFactory |
ErrorInfo |
ErrorInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
EstimateThroughput |
Estimate the throughput of all topologies.
EvaluationCalc |
EvaluationFilter |
EvaluationFunction |
EvenScheduler |
Event<T> |
An event is a wrapper object that gets stored in the window.
EventImpl<T> |
EventLoggerBolt |
EventManager |
EventManagerImp |
EventManagerPushCallback |
EvictionContext |
Context information that can be used by the eviction policy.
EvictionPolicy<T,S> |
Eviction policy tracks events and decides whether an event should be evicted from the window or not.
EvictionPolicy.Action |
ExampleJmsTopology |
An example JMS topology.
ExceptionMapperUtils |
ExceptionMeterNames |
ExclamationTopology |
This is a basic example of a Storm topology.
ExclamationTopology |
This is a basic example of a Storm topology.
ExclamationTopology.ExclamationBolt |
ExclamationTopology.ExclamationBolt |
ExclamationTopology.FixedOrderWordSpout |
ExecAndProcessLatencyEngine |
A more accurate sleep implementation.
ExecSorterByConnectionCount |
ExecSorterByConstraintSeverity |
ExecSorterByProximity |
ExecutableExpression |
Compiled executable expression.
ExecutionContext |
Container for all the objects required to instantiate a topology.
Executor |
ExecutorAggregateStats |
ExecutorAggregateStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ExecutorBeat |
ExecutorDetails |
ExecutorInfo |
ExecutorInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ExecutorShutdown |
ExecutorSpecificStats |
ExecutorSpecificStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ExecutorStats |
ExecutorStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ExecutorSummary |
ExecutorSummary._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ExecutorTransfer |
ExitCodeCallback |
A callback that can accept an integer.
ExtendedThreadPoolExecutor |
FailedException |
FastWordCountTopology |
WordCount but the spout does not stop, and the bolts are implemented in
FastWordCountTopology.FastRandomSentenceSpout |
FastWordCountTopology.SplitSentence |
FastWordCountTopology.WordCount |
FeederBatchSpout |
FeederCommitterBatchSpout |
FeederSpout |
FieldIndexTopicSelector |
Uses field with a given index to select the topic name from a tuple .
FieldInfo |
Describe each column of the field.
FieldInfoUtils |
FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper<K,V> |
FieldNameBasedTupleToKafkaMapper<K,V> |
FieldNameTopicSelector |
Uses field name to select topic name from tuple .
Fields |
Collection of unique named fields using in an ITuple.
FIFOSchedulingPriorityStrategy |
FIFOSchedulingPriorityStrategy.FIFOSimulatedUser |
FileBasedEventLogger |
FileBlobStoreImpl |
Very basic blob store impl with no ACL handling.
FileConfigLoader |
Scheduler configuration loader which loads configs from a file.
FileConfigLoaderFactory |
Factory class for FileConfigLoader.
FileLock |
Facility to synchronize access to HDFS files.
FileLock.LogEntry |
FileNameFormat |
Formatter interface for determining HDFS file names.
FileNameFormat |
Formatter interface for determining HDFS file names.
FileNotAvailableException |
FileReadSpout |
FileReadSpout.FileReader |
FileReadWordCountTopo |
This topo helps measure speed of word count.
FileRotationPolicy |
Used by the HdfsBolt to decide when to rotate files.
FileRotationPolicy |
Used by the HdfsBolt to decide when to rotate files.
FileSizeRotationPolicy |
File rotation policy that will rotate files when a certain
file size is reached.
FileSizeRotationPolicy |
File rotation policy that will rotate files when a certain
file size is reached.
FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units |
FileSizeRotationPolicy.Units |
FileWatcher |
FileWatcher.Callback |
Filter |
Filters take in a tuple as input and decide whether or not to keep that tuple or not.
FilterByMetricName |
FilterConfiguration |
FilterExecutor |
FilterNull |
Simple `Filter` implementation that filters out any tuples that have fields with a value of `null`.
FilterOptions |
FilterOptions provides a method to select various filtering options for doing a scan of the metrics database.
FilterProcessor<T> |
FirstN |
FirstN.FirstNAgg |
FirstN.FirstNSortedAgg |
FirstPollOffsetStrategy |
Defines how the spout seeks the offset to be used in the first poll to Kafka upon topology deployment.
FixedAvroSerializer |
A class to help (de)serialize a pre-defined set of Avro schemas.
FixedBatchSpout |
FixedBatchSpout |
FixedGroupsMapping |
FixedTuple |
FixedTupleSpout |
FlatMapFunction<T,R> |
A function that accepts one argument and returns an Iterable of elements as its result.
FlatMapFunction |
A one to many transformation function.
FlatMapFunctionExecutor |
FlatMapProcessor<T,R> |
FlatMapValuesProcessor<K,V,R> |
Flux |
Flux entry point.
FluxBuilder |
FluxParser |
Static utility methods for parsing flux YAML.
FluxShellBolt |
A generic `ShellBolt` implementation that allows you specify output fields
and even streams without having to subclass `ShellBolt` to do so.
FluxShellSpout |
A generic `ShellSpout` implementation that allows you specify output fields
and even streams without having to subclass `ShellSpout` to do so.
ForEachProcessor<T> |
ForwardingMetricsConsumer |
ForwardingProcessorContext<T> |
A context that emits the results to downstream processors which are in the same bolt.
FreePool |
All of the machines that currently have nothing assigned to them.
FreezerCore |
FreezerCore.State |
FreshCollector |
FromJson<T> |
Func<V,R> |
A simple interface to allow compatibility with non java 8
code bases.
Function<T,R> |
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
Function |
A function takes in a set of input fields and emits zero or more tuples as output.
GeneralTopologyContext |
GenericAvroSerializer |
A default implementation of the AvroSerializer that will just pass literal schemas back and forth.
GenericBolt |
A generic org.apache.storm.topology.IRichBolt implementation
for testing/debugging the Storm JMS Spout and example topologies.
GenericResourceAwareSchedulingPriorityStrategy |
GenericResourceAwareSchedulingPriorityStrategy.GrasSimulatedUser |
GenericResourceAwareStrategy |
GenericResourceAwareStrategyOld |
GenLoad |
Generate a simulated load.
GetErrors |
GetInfoOptions |
GetInfoOptions._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
GlobalAggregationScheme<S extends IAggregatableStream> |
GlobalBatchToPartition |
GlobalGrouping |
GlobalStreamId |
GlobalStreamId._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
GoodToGo |
Used as a way to give feedback that the listener is ready for the caller to change the blob.
GoodToGo.GoodToGoLatch |
GraphGrouper |
GraphiteStormReporter |
Group |
GroupByKeyAndWindowExample |
GroupCollector |
GroupedAggregator |
GroupedMultiReducer<T> |
GroupedMultiReducerExecutor |
GroupedStream |
GrouperFactory |
GrouperFactory.AllGrouper |
GrouperFactory.BasicLoadAwareCustomStreamGrouping |
A bridge between CustomStreamGrouping and LoadAwareCustomStreamGrouping.
GrouperFactory.FieldsGrouper |
GrouperFactory.GlobalGrouper |
GrouperFactory.NoneGrouper |
Grouping |
Grouping._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
GroupingDef |
Bean representation of a Storm stream grouping.
GroupingDef.Type |
Types of stream groupings Storm allows.
GroupingType |
The different types of groupings that are supported.
GzipBridgeThriftSerializationDelegate |
Always writes gzip out, but tests incoming to see if it's gzipped.
GzipSerializationDelegate |
Note, this assumes it's deserializing a gzip byte stream, and will err if it encounters any other serialization.
GzipThriftSerializationDelegate |
Note, this assumes it's deserializing a gzip byte stream, and will err if it encounters any other serialization.
HadoopLoginUtil |
UserGroupInformation#loginUserFromKeytab(String, String) changes the static fields of UserGroupInformation,
especially the current logged-in user, and UserGroupInformation itself is not thread-safe.
HashMapSerializer |
HashSetSerializer |
HBaseSecurityUtil |
This class provides util methods for storm-hbase connector communicating
with secured HBase.
HBAuthorizationException |
HBAuthorizationException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
HBExecutionException |
HBExecutionException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
HBMessage |
HBMessage._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
HBMessageData |
HBMessageData._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
HBNodes |
HBNodes._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
HBPulse |
HBPulse._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
HBRecords |
HBRecords._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
HBServerMessageType |
HdfsBlobStore |
Provides a HDFS file system backed blob store implementation.
HdfsBlobStoreFile |
HdfsBlobStoreImpl |
HDFS blob store impl.
HdfsBolt |
HdfsClientBlobStore |
Client to access the HDFS blobStore.
HdfsDataSourcesProvider |
Create a HDFS sink based on the URI and properties.
HdfsFileTopology |
HdfsFileTopology.MyBolt |
HdfsFileTopology.SentenceSpout |
HdfsManifestToResourcesPlugin |
HdfsOciResourcesLocalizer |
HdfsSecurityUtil |
This class provides util methods for storm-hdfs connector communicating
with secured HDFS.
HdfsSpout |
HdfsSpoutNullBoltTopo |
This topo helps measure speed of reading from Hdfs.
HdfsSpoutTopology |
HdfsSpoutTopology.ConstBolt |
HdfsState |
HdfsState.HdfsFileOptions |
HdfsState.Options |
HdfsState.SequenceFileOptions |
HdfsStateFactory |
HdfsUpdater |
HdfsUtils |
HdfsUtils.Pair<K,V> |
HDFSWriter |
HeaderResponseFilter |
HeaderResponseServletFilter |
HealthCheck |
HealthChecker |
HeartbeatCache |
Holds a cache of heartbeats from the workers.
Heartbeats |
Helper |
Hierarchy |
A class that describes a cgroup hierarchy.
HikariCPConnectionProvider |
HistogramMetric |
A metric wrapping an HdrHistogram.
HiveBolt |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveMapper |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveOptions |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveSecurityUtil |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveState |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveStateFactory |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveTopology |
HiveTopology.UserDataSpout |
HiveTopologyPartitioned |
HiveTopologyPartitioned.UserDataSpout |
HiveUpdater |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveUtils |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveUtils.AuthenticationFailed |
HiveWriter |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
HiveWriter.CommitFailure |
HiveWriter.ConnectFailure |
HiveWriter.Failure |
HiveWriter.TxnBatchFailure |
HiveWriter.TxnFailure |
HiveWriter.WriteFailure |
HttpForwardingMetricsConsumer |
Listens for all metrics and POSTs them serialized to a configured URL.
HttpForwardingMetricsServer |
A server that can listen for metrics from the HttpForwardingMetricsConsumer.
IAdvancedFSOps |
IAggregatableStream |
IAuthorizer |
Nimbus could be configured with an authorization plugin.
IAutoCredentials |
Provides a way to automatically push credentials to a topology and to retrieve them in the worker.
IBackingMap<T> |
IBasicBolt |
IBasicOutputCollector |
IBatchBolt<T> |
IBatchID |
IBatchSpout |
IBlacklistStrategy |
IBolt |
An IBolt represents a component that takes tuples as input and produces tuples as output.
IChainedAggregatorDeclarer |
IClusterMetricsConsumer |
IClusterMetricsConsumer.ClusterInfo |
IClusterMetricsConsumer.SupervisorInfo |
ICombiner<T> |
ICommitterTridentSpout<X> |
ICommitterTridentSpout.Emitter |
IComponent |
Common methods for all possible components in a topology.
IConfigLoader |
IConfigLoaderFactory |
IConfigurator |
IConnection |
IConnectionCallback |
A class that is called when a TaskMessage arrives.
IContext |
This interface needs to be implemented for messaging plugin.
ICredentialsListener |
Allows a bolt or a spout to be informed when the credentials of the topology have changed.
ICredentialsRenewer |
Provides a way to renew credentials on behalf of a user.
IdBolt |
IdentityBolt |
IdentityBolt |
IdentityFunction<T> |
A Function that returns the input argument itself as the result.
IdentityGrouping |
IdentityMultiReducer<T> |
IErrorReporter |
IEventLogger |
EventLogger interface for logging the event info to a sink like log file or db for inspecting the events via UI for debugging.
IEventLogger.EventInfo |
A wrapper for the fields that we would log.
IExecSorter |
IFeeder |
IGroupMappingServiceProvider |
IHttpCredentialsPlugin |
Interface for handling credentials in an HttpServletRequest.
IKryoDecorator |
IKryoFactory |
An interface that controls the Kryo instance used by Storm for serialization.
ILeaderElector |
The interface for leader election.
IllegalStateException |
IllegalStateException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ILocalAssignmentsBackend |
Interface for storing local assignments.
ILocalCluster |
This is here mostly for backwards compatibility.
ILocalCluster.ILocalTopology |
Close this class to kill the topology.
ILocalClusterTrackedTopologyAware |
This is here mostly for backwards compatibility.
ILocalDRPC |
ImageManifest |
The image manifest.
IMetric |
Produces metrics.
IMetricsConsumer |
IMetricsConsumer.DataPoint |
IMetricsConsumer.TaskInfo |
IMetricsContext |
IMetricsRegistrant |
Interface to allow registration of metrics.
ImpersonationAuthorizer |
ImpersonationAuthorizer.ImpersonationACL |
IMultiSchemableSpout |
IncludeDef |
Represents an include.
IncrementingSpout |
IndexedEdge<T> |
IndexHashBatchToPartition |
IndexHashGrouping |
IndifferentAccessMap |
INettySerializable |
INimbus |
INimbusCredentialPlugin |
Nimbus auto credential plugin that will be called on nimbus host during submit topology option.
InMemoryAssignmentBackend |
An assignment backend which will keep all assignments and id-info in memory.
InMemoryKeyValueState<K,V> |
An in-memory implementation of the State .
InMemoryKeyValueStateProvider |
InMemoryTridentWindowManager |
This ITridentWindowManager instance stores all the tuples and trigger related information inmemory.
InMemoryWindowsStore |
Inmemory store implementation of WindowsStore which can be backed by persistent store.
InMemoryWindowsStoreFactory |
InMemoryWindowsStoreFactory contains a single instance of InMemoryWindowsStore which will be used for storing tuples and triggers
of the window.
INodeAssignmentSentCallBack |
INodeSorter |
InOrderDeliveryTest |
InOrderDeliveryTest.Check |
InOrderDeliveryTest.InOrderSpout |
InProcessZookeeper |
A local Zookeeper instance available for testing.
InprocMessaging |
InputDeclarer<T extends InputDeclarer> |
InputStream |
A set of measurements about a stream so we can statistically reproduce it.
InputStream.Builder |
InputStreamWithMeta |
InterfaceStability |
Annotation to inform users of how much to rely on a particular package, class or method not changing over time.
InterfaceStability.Evolving |
Evolving, but can break compatibility at minor release (i.e.
InterfaceStability.Stable |
Can evolve while retaining compatibility for minor release boundaries.; can break compatibility only at major release (ie.
InterfaceStability.Unstable |
No guarantee is provided as to reliability or stability across any level of release granularity.
IntermediateRankingsBolt |
This bolt ranks incoming objects by their count.
InvalidRequestException |
InvalidTopologyException |
InvalidTopologyException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
IOFunction<T,R> |
IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout<PartitionsT,PartitionT extends ISpoutPartition,M> |
This defines a transactional spout which does *not* necessarily replay the same batch every time it emits a batch for a transaction id.
IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator<PartitionsT> |
Coordinator for batches.
IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Emitter<PartitionsT,PartitionT extends ISpoutPartition,M> |
IOutputCollector |
IOutputSerializer |
IPartitionedTridentSpout<PartitionsT,PartitionT extends ISpoutPartition,T> |
This interface defines a transactional spout that reads its tuples from a partitioned set of brokers.
IPartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator<PartitionsT> |
IPartitionedTridentSpout.Emitter<PartitionsT,PartitionT extends ISpoutPartition,X> |
IPredicate<T> |
This interface is implemented by classes, instances of which can be passed into certain Util functions which test some collection for
elements matching the IPredicate.
IPrincipalToLocal |
Storm can be configured to launch worker processed as a given user.
IReducer<T> |
IReporter |
report blacklist to alert system.
IReportError |
IRichBolt |
When writing topologies using Java, IRichBolt and IRichSpout are the main interfaces to use to implement components of
the topology.
IRichSpout |
When writing topologies using Java, IRichBolt and IRichSpout are the main interfaces to use to implement components of
the topology.
IRichStateSpout |
IRunningExecutor |
ISaslClient |
ISaslServer |
IScheduler |
ISchedulingPriorityStrategy |
ISchedulingState |
An interface that provides access to the current scheduling state.
ISchemableSpout |
ISerializer |
The ISerializer interface describes the methods that an object should implement to provide serialization and de-serialization
capabilities to non-JVM language components.
IServer |
IServerMessageHandler |
IShellMetric |
IsolatedPool |
A pool of machines that can be used to run isolated topologies.
IsolationScheduler |
ISpout |
ISpout is the core interface for implementing spouts.
ISpoutOutputCollector |
Methods are not expected to be thread safe.
ISpoutPartition |
ISqlStreamsDataSource |
An ISqlStreamsDataSource specifies how an external data source produces and consumes data.
IStatefulBolt<T extends State> |
A bolt abstraction for supporting stateful computation.
IStatefulComponent<T extends State> |
Common methods for stateful components in the topology.
IStatefulObject |
IStatefulWindowedBolt<T extends State> |
A windowed bolt abstraction for supporting windowing operation with state.
IStateSpout |
IStateSpoutOutputCollector |
IStateStorage |
StateStorage provides the API for the pluggable state store used by the Storm daemons.
IStormClusterState |
IStrategy |
An interface to for implementing different scheduling strategies for the resource aware scheduling.
ISubmitterHook |
if FQCN of an implementation of this class is specified by setting the config storm.topology.submission.notifier.plugin.class, that
class's notify method will be invoked when a topology is successfully submitted via StormSubmitter class.
ISubscribedState |
ISupervisor |
ISynchronizeOutputCollector |
ITaskHook |
ITopologyActionNotifierPlugin |
A plugin interface that gets invoked any time there is an action for a topology.
ITopologyValidator |
ITransportPlugin |
Interface for Thrift Transport plugin.
ITridentBatchBolt |
ITridentDataSource |
ITridentDataSource marks all spouts that provide data into Trident.
ITridentResource |
This interface is implemented by various Trident classes in order to gather and propogate resources that have been set on them.
ITridentSpout<T> |
ITridentSpout.BatchCoordinator<X> |
ITridentSpout.Emitter<X> |
ITridentWindowManager |
Window manager to handle trident tuple events.
ITuple |
ITupleCollection |
ITupleDeserializer |
ITupleSerializer |
IVersionInfo |
Implementation of VersionInfo that uses a properties file to get the VersionInfo.
IWaitStrategy |
IWaitStrategy.WaitSituation |
IWindowedBolt |
A bolt abstraction for supporting time and count based sliding & tumbling windows.
IWorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategy |
Interface for strategy to recover heartbeats when master gains leadership.
IWorkerHook |
An IWorkerHook represents a topology component that can be executed when a worker starts, and when a worker shuts down.
JassPasswordProvider |
Provides passwords out of a jaas conf for typical MD5-DIGEST authentication support.
JavaObject |
JavaObject._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
JavaObjectArg |
JavaObjectArg._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
JCQueue |
JCQueue.Consumer |
JCQueue.ExitCondition |
JCQueueMetrics |
JCQueuePerfTest |
JCToolsPerfTest |
JdbcClient |
JdbcInsertBolt |
Basic bolt for writing to any Database table.
JdbcLookupBolt |
Basic bolt for querying from any database.
JdbcLookupMapper |
JdbcMapper |
JdbcQuery |
JdbcState |
JdbcState.Options |
JdbcStateFactory |
JdbcUpdater |
JedisClusterConfig |
Configuration for JedisCluster.
JedisClusterConfig.Builder |
Builder for initializing JedisClusterConfig.
JedisClusterContainer |
Container for managing JedisCluster.
JedisCommandsContainer |
Interfaces for containers which stores instances implementing JedisCommands.
JedisCommandsContainerBuilder |
Container Builder which helps abstraction of two env.
JedisContainer |
Adapter for providing a unified interface for running commands over both Jedis and JedisCluster instances.
JedisPoolConfig |
Configuration for JedisPool.
JedisPoolConfig.Builder |
Builder for initializing JedisPoolConfig.
JmsBatch |
Batch coordination metadata object for the TridentJmsSpout.
JmsBolt |
A JmsBolt receives org.apache.storm.tuple.Tuple objects from a Storm
topology and publishes JMS Messages to a destination (topic or queue).
JmsMessageID |
JmsMessageProducer |
JmsMessageProducer implementations are responsible for translating
a org.apache.storm.tuple.Values instance into a
javax.jms.Message object.
JmsProvider |
A JmsProvider object encapsulates the ConnectionFactory
and Destination JMS objects the JmsSpout needs to manage
a topic/queue connection over the course of it's lifecycle.
JmsSpout |
A Storm Spout implementation that listens to a JMS topic or
queue and outputs tuples based on the messages it receives.
JmsState |
JmsState.Options |
JmsStateFactory |
JmsTupleProducer |
Interface to define classes that can produce a Storm Values objects
from a javax.jms.Message object>.
JmsUpdater |
JmxPreparableReporter |
JmxStormReporter |
JoinBolt |
JoinBolt.FieldSelector |
JoinBolt.JoinInfo |
Describes how to join the other stream with the current stream.
JoinBolt.JoinType |
JoinBolt.Selector |
JoinBoltExample |
JoinerMultiReducer |
JoinExample |
JoinOutFieldsMode |
This enum defines how the output fields of JOIN is constructed.
JoinProcessor<K,R,V1,V2> |
Provides equi-join implementation based on simple hash-join.
JoinProcessor.JoinType |
JoinResult |
JoinState |
JoinType |
JSONNonTransactionalSerializer |
JSONOpaqueSerializer |
JsonRecordHiveMapper |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
JsonResponseBuilder |
Response builder for JSON.
JsonScheme |
JsonSerializer |
JsonSerializer implements the JSON multilang protocol.
JsonSerializer |
JSONTransactionalSerializer |
JsonTupleProducer |
A simple JmsTupleProducer that expects to receive
JMS TextMessage objects with a body in JSON format.
KafkaBolt<K,V> |
Bolt implementation that can send Tuple data to Kafka.
KafkaClientHdfsTopo |
This topo helps measure speed of reading from Kafka and writing to Hdfs.
KafkaClientHdfsTopo.LineWriter |
KafkaClientSpoutNullBoltTopo |
Benchmark topology for measuring spout read/emit/ack performance.
KafkaDataSourcesProvider |
Create a Kafka spout/sink based on the URI and properties.
KafkaOffsetLagResult |
Class representing the log head offsets, spout offsets and the lag for a topic.
KafkaOffsetLagUtil |
Utility class for querying offset lag for kafka spout.
KafkaOffsetMetricManager<K,V> |
This class is used to manage both the partition and topic level offset metrics.
KafkaOffsetPartitionMetrics<K,V> |
Partition level metrics.
KafkaOffsetTopicMetrics |
Topic level metrics.
KafkaPartitionOffsetLag |
KafkaProducerTopology |
KafkaSpout<K,V> |
KafkaSpoutConfig<K,V> |
KafkaSpoutConfig defines the required configuration to connect a consumer to a consumer group, as well as the subscribing topics.
KafkaSpoutConfig.Builder<K,V> |
KafkaSpoutConfig.ProcessingGuarantee |
This enum controls when the tuple with the ConsumerRecord for an offset is marked as processed,
KafkaSpoutMessageId |
KafkaSpoutMigration |
KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff |
KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff.TimeInterval |
KafkaSpoutRetryService |
Represents the logic that manages the retrial of failed tuples.
KafkaSpoutTestBolt |
KafkaSpoutTopologyMainNamedTopics |
This example sets up 3 topologies to put data in Kafka via the KafkaBolt,
and shows how to set up a topology that reads from some Kafka topics using the KafkaSpout.
KafkaSpoutTopologyMainWildcardTopics |
KafkaTopicSelector |
KafkaTopicSelector |
KafkaTridentOpaqueSpoutEmitter<K,V> |
KafkaTridentSpoutBatchMetadata |
Wraps transaction batch information.
KafkaTridentSpoutConfig<K,V> |
Defines the required Kafka-related configuration for the Trident spouts.
KafkaTridentSpoutConfig.Builder<K,V> |
KafkaTridentSpoutCoordinator<K,V> |
KafkaTridentSpoutEmitter<K,V> |
KafkaTridentSpoutMigration |
KafkaTridentSpoutOpaque<K,V> |
KafkaTridentSpoutTopicPartition |
KafkaTridentSpoutTransactional<K,V> |
KafkaTridentTransactionalSpoutEmitter<K,V> |
KafkaTuple |
KafkaTupleListener |
The KafkaTupleListener handles state changes of a kafka tuple inside a KafkaSpout.
KerberosPrincipalToLocal |
Map a kerberos principal to a local user.
KerberosSaslClientHandler |
KerberosSaslNettyClient |
Implements SASL logic for storm worker client processes.
KerberosSaslServerHandler |
KerberosSaslTransportPlugin |
KeyAlreadyExistsException |
KeyAlreadyExistsException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
KeyedFairBolt |
KeyedRoundRobinQueue<V> |
KeyFactory |
KeyFactory defines conversion of state key (which could be compounded) -> Redis key.
KeyFactory.DefaultKeyFactory |
Default Key Factory.
KeyFilter<R> |
KeyNotFoundException |
KeyNotFoundException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
KeySequenceNumber |
Class hands over the key sequence number which implies the number of updates made to a blob.
KeyType |
Specifies all the valid types of keys and their values.
KeyValueState<K,V> |
A state that supports key-value mappings.
Killable |
KillOptions |
KillOptions._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
KillTopology |
KillWorkers |
KryoTupleDeserializer |
KryoTupleSerializer |
KryoValuesDeserializer |
KryoValuesSerializer |
LambdaBiConsumerBolt |
LambdaConsumerBolt |
LambdaSpout |
LambdaTopology |
LatencyStat |
Keeps track of approximate latency for the last 10 mins, 3 hours, 1 day, and all time.
LeaderElectorImp |
LeaderListenerCallback |
A callback function when nimbus gains leadership.
LeaderListenerCallbackFactory |
LinearDRPCInputDeclarer |
LinearDRPCTopologyBuilder |
ListBlobsResult |
ListBlobsResult._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ListDelegate |
ListDelegateSerializer |
ListFunctionalSupport |
Implements missing sequence functions in Java compared to Clojure.
ListHDFS |
ListLocalFs |
ListTopologies |
Load |
Represents the load that a Bolt is currently under to help in deciding where to route a tuple, to help balance the load.
LoadAwareCustomStreamGrouping |
LoadAwareShuffleGrouping |
LoadBolt |
A bolt that simulates a real world bolt based off of statistics about it.
LoadCompConf |
Configuration for a simulated spout.
LoadCompConf.Builder |
LoadMapping |
Holds a list of the current loads.
LoadMetricsServer |
A metrics server that records and reports metrics for a set of running topologies.
LoadMetricsServer.Measurements |
LoadSpout |
A spout that simulates a real world spout based off of statistics about it.
LocalAssignment |
LocalAssignment._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LocalAssignmentsBackendFactory |
Factory class for creating local assignments.
LocalCluster |
A stand alone storm cluster that runs inside a single process.
LocalCluster.Builder |
Simple way to configure a LocalCluster to meet your needs.
LocalContainer |
LocalContainerLauncher |
Launch Containers in local mode.
LocalDRPC |
A Local way to test DRPC.
LocalExecutor |
LocalFsBlobStore |
Provides a local file system backed blob store implementation for Nimbus.
LocalFsBlobStoreFile |
LocalFsBlobStoreSynchronizer |
Is called periodically and updates the nimbus
with blobs based on the state stored inside the zookeeper
for a non leader nimbus trying to be in sync
with the operations performed on the leader nimbus.
LocalizedResource |
Represents a resource that is localized on the supervisor.
LocalizedResourceRetentionSet |
A set of resources that we can look at to see which ones we retain and which ones should be
LocallyCachedBlob |
Represents a blob that is cached locally on disk by the supervisor.
LocallyCachedTopologyBlob |
A locally cached blob for the topology.
LocallyCachedTopologyBlob.TopologyBlobType |
LocalModeClientBlobStore |
A Client blob store for LocalMode.
LocalOrHdfsImageTagToManifestPlugin |
LocalResource |
Local Resource requested by the topology.
LocalState |
A simple, durable, atomic K/V database.
LocalStateData |
LocalStateData._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LogCleaner |
Cleans dead workers logs and directories.
LogConfig |
LogConfig._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LogConfigManager |
LogFileDownloader |
LoggingClusterMetricsConsumer |
Listens for cluster related metrics, dumps them to log.
LoggingMetricsConsumer |
Listens for all metrics, dumps them to log
Login |
LogInfoBolt |
Simple bolt that does nothing other than every tuple recieveed.
LogLevel |
LogLevel._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LogLevelAction |
LogReporter |
LogviewerApplication |
LogviewerConstant |
Constants which are used across logviewer related classes.
LogviewerLogDownloadHandler |
LogviewerLogPageHandler |
LogviewerLogSearchHandler |
LogviewerLogSearchHandler.Matched |
LogviewerProfileHandler |
LogviewerResource |
Handles HTTP requests for Logviewer.
LogviewerResponseBuilder |
LogviewerServer |
The main entry of Logviewer.
LogWriter |
Launch a sub process and write files out to logs.
LongSum |
Computes the long sum of the input values.
LookupWordCount |
LookupWordCount.PrintWordTotalCountBolt |
LowThroughputTopo |
LruMap<A,B> |
LRUMap<A,B> |
LruMap.CacheEvictionCallback<K,V> |
LRUMemoryMapState<T> |
LRUMemoryMapState.Factory |
LSApprovedWorkers |
LSApprovedWorkers._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LSSupervisorAssignments |
LSSupervisorAssignments._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LSSupervisorId |
LSSupervisorId._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LSTopoHistory |
LSTopoHistory._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LSTopoHistoryList |
LSTopoHistoryList._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
LSWorkerHeartbeat |
LSWorkerHeartbeat._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ManualDRPC |
ManualDRPC.ExclamationBolt |
ManualPartitioner |
A function used to assign partitions to this spout.
MapCombinerAggStateUpdater |
MapFunction |
A one-one transformation function.
MapFunctionExecutor |
MapGet |
MapProcessor<T,R> |
MapProcessor |
MapReducerAggStateUpdater |
MapState<T> |
MapUtil |
MapValuesProcessor<K,V,R> |
MasterBatchCoordinator |
Max |
This aggregator computes the maximum of aggregated tuples in a stream.
MaxWithComparator<T> |
This aggregator computes the maximum of aggregated tuples in a stream.
MeanReducer |
MemoryBackingMap<T> |
MemoryCore |
MemoryCore.Stat |
MemoryMapState<T> |
MemoryMapState.Factory |
MergeAggregateByKeyProcessor<K,V,A,R> |
MergeAggregateProcessor<T,A,R> |
MessageBuffer |
Encapsulates the state used for batching up messages.
MessageDecoder |
MessageId |
Metric |
Class containing metric values and all identifying fields to be stored in a MetricStore.
MetricException |
A MetricException is used to describe an error using a MetricStore.
MetricRegistryProvider |
MetricsCleaner |
Class for removing expired metrics and unused metadata from the RocksDB store.
MetricsConsumerBolt |
MetricsFilter |
MetricsSample |
MetricStore |
MetricStore.ScanCallback |
Interface used to callback metrics results from a scan.
MetricStoreConfig |
MetricsUtils |
MicroBatchIBackingMap<T> |
MicroBatchIBackingMap.Options |
MigrateBlobs |
MigratorMain |
Min |
This aggregator computes the minimum of aggregated tuples in a stream.
MinWithComparator<T> |
This aggregator computes the minimum of aggregated tuples in a stream.
MkClusterParam |
The param arg for `Testing.withSimulatedTimeCluster`, `Testing.withTrackedCluster` and `Testing.withLocalCluster`.
MkTupleParam |
MockedClientZookeeper |
MockedCluster |
MockedSources |
MockedSupervisorUtils |
MockedZookeeper |
MockLeaderElector |
ModifTimeComparator |
Monitor |
Monitor |
MoveFileAction |
MultiCountMetric |
MultiCountStat<T> |
Acts as a MultiCount Stat, but keeps track of approximate counts for the last 10 mins, 3 hours, 1 day, and all time.
MultiLatencyStat<T> |
Keeps track of approximate latency for the last 10 mins, 3 hours, 1 day, and all time.
MultipleLoggerTopology |
This is a basic example of a Storm topology.
MultipleLoggerTopology.ExclamationLoggingBolt |
MultiReducedMetric |
MultiReducer<T> |
MultiReducerProcessor |
MultiScheme |
MultitenantScheduler |
MultiThreadWordCountTopology |
Some topologies might spawn some threads within bolts to do some work and emit tuples from those threads.
MultiThreadWordCountTopology.MultiThreadedSplitSentence |
MultiThriftServer<T extends ThriftServer> |
MutableInt |
MutableLong |
MutableObject |
NamedTopicFilter |
Filter that returns all partitions for the specified topics.
Negate |
A `Filter` implementation that inverts another delegate `Filter`.
NetClsCore |
NetPrioCore |
NettyRenameThreadFactory |
NettySerializableMessageEncoder |
NettyTlsUtils |
NettyUncaughtExceptionHandler |
NewKafkaSpoutOffsetQuery |
Class representing information for querying kafka for log head offsets, consumer offsets and the difference for new
kafka spout using new consumer api.
NGrouping |
Nimbus |
Nimbus |
Nimbus.activate_args |
Nimbus.activate_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.activate_result |
Nimbus.activate_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.AsyncClient |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.activate_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.beginBlobDownload_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.beginCreateBlob_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.beginFileUpload_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.beginUpdateBlob_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.cancelBlobUpload_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.createStateInZookeeper_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.deactivate_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.debug_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.deleteBlob_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.downloadBlobChunk_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.downloadChunk_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.Factory |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.finishBlobUpload_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.finishFileUpload_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getBlobMeta_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getBlobReplication_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getClusterInfo_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getComponentPageInfo_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getComponentPendingProfileActions_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getLeader_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getLogConfig_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getNimbusConf_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getOwnerResourceSummaries_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getSupervisorAssignments_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getSupervisorPageInfo_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopology_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyConf_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyHistory_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfo_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfoByName_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfoByNameWithOpts_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologyPageInfo_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologySummaries_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologySummary_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getTopologySummaryByName_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.getUserTopology_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.isRemoteBlobExists_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.isTopologyNameAllowed_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.killTopology_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.killTopologyWithOpts_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.listBlobs_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.processWorkerMetrics_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.rebalance_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.setBlobMeta_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.setLogConfig_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.setWorkerProfiler_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.submitTopology_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.submitTopologyWithOpts_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.updateBlobReplication_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.uploadBlobChunk_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.uploadChunk_call |
Nimbus.AsyncClient.uploadNewCredentials_call |
Nimbus.AsyncIface |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.activate<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginBlobDownload<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginCreateBlob<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginFileUpload<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.beginUpdateBlob<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.cancelBlobUpload<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.createStateInZookeeper<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.deactivate<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.debug<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.deleteBlob<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.downloadBlobChunk<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.downloadChunk<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.finishBlobUpload<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.finishFileUpload<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getBlobMeta<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getBlobReplication<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getClusterInfo<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getComponentPageInfo<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getComponentPendingProfileActions<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getLeader<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getLogConfig<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getNimbusConf<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getOwnerResourceSummaries<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getSupervisorAssignments<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getSupervisorPageInfo<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopology<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyConf<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyHistory<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfo<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoByName<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoByNameWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologyPageInfo<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologySummaries<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologySummary<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getTopologySummaryByName<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.getUserTopology<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.isRemoteBlobExists<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.isTopologyNameAllowed<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopology<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.killTopologyWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.listBlobs<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.processWorkerMetrics<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.rebalance<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.setBlobMeta<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.setLogConfig<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.setWorkerProfiler<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopology<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.submitTopologyWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.updateBlobReplication<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadBlobChunk<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadChunk<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.AsyncProcessor.uploadNewCredentials<I extends Nimbus.AsyncIface> |
Nimbus.beginBlobDownload_args |
Nimbus.beginBlobDownload_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.beginBlobDownload_result |
Nimbus.beginBlobDownload_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.beginCreateBlob_args |
Nimbus.beginCreateBlob_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.beginCreateBlob_result |
Nimbus.beginCreateBlob_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args |
Nimbus.beginFileUpload_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result |
Nimbus.beginFileUpload_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.beginUpdateBlob_args |
Nimbus.beginUpdateBlob_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.beginUpdateBlob_result |
Nimbus.beginUpdateBlob_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.cancelBlobUpload_args |
Nimbus.cancelBlobUpload_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.cancelBlobUpload_result |
Nimbus.cancelBlobUpload_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.Client |
Nimbus.Client.Factory |
Nimbus.createStateInZookeeper_args |
Nimbus.createStateInZookeeper_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.createStateInZookeeper_result |
Nimbus.createStateInZookeeper_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.deactivate_args |
Nimbus.deactivate_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.deactivate_result |
Nimbus.deactivate_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.debug_args |
Nimbus.debug_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.debug_result |
Nimbus.debug_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.deleteBlob_args |
Nimbus.deleteBlob_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.deleteBlob_result |
Nimbus.deleteBlob_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.downloadBlobChunk_args |
Nimbus.downloadBlobChunk_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.downloadBlobChunk_result |
Nimbus.downloadBlobChunk_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.downloadChunk_args |
Nimbus.downloadChunk_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.downloadChunk_result |
Nimbus.downloadChunk_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.finishBlobUpload_args |
Nimbus.finishBlobUpload_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.finishBlobUpload_result |
Nimbus.finishBlobUpload_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args |
Nimbus.finishFileUpload_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result |
Nimbus.finishFileUpload_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getBlobMeta_args |
Nimbus.getBlobMeta_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getBlobMeta_result |
Nimbus.getBlobMeta_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getBlobReplication_args |
Nimbus.getBlobReplication_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getBlobReplication_result |
Nimbus.getBlobReplication_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args |
Nimbus.getClusterInfo_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result |
Nimbus.getClusterInfo_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getComponentPageInfo_args |
Nimbus.getComponentPageInfo_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getComponentPageInfo_result |
Nimbus.getComponentPageInfo_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getComponentPendingProfileActions_args |
Nimbus.getComponentPendingProfileActions_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getComponentPendingProfileActions_result |
Nimbus.getComponentPendingProfileActions_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getLeader_args |
Nimbus.getLeader_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getLeader_result |
Nimbus.getLeader_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getLogConfig_args |
Nimbus.getLogConfig_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getLogConfig_result |
Nimbus.getLogConfig_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args |
Nimbus.getNimbusConf_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result |
Nimbus.getNimbusConf_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getOwnerResourceSummaries_args |
Nimbus.getOwnerResourceSummaries_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getOwnerResourceSummaries_result |
Nimbus.getOwnerResourceSummaries_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getSupervisorAssignments_args |
Nimbus.getSupervisorAssignments_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getSupervisorAssignments_result |
Nimbus.getSupervisorAssignments_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getSupervisorPageInfo_args |
Nimbus.getSupervisorPageInfo_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getSupervisorPageInfo_result |
Nimbus.getSupervisorPageInfo_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopology_args |
Nimbus.getTopology_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopology_result |
Nimbus.getTopology_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args |
Nimbus.getTopologyConf_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result |
Nimbus.getTopologyConf_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyHistory_args |
Nimbus.getTopologyHistory_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyHistory_result |
Nimbus.getTopologyHistory_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args |
Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result |
Nimbus.getTopologyInfo_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoByName_args |
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoByName_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoByName_result |
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoByName_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoByNameWithOpts_args |
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoByNameWithOpts_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoByNameWithOpts_result |
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoByNameWithOpts_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args |
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result |
Nimbus.getTopologyInfoWithOpts_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyPageInfo_args |
Nimbus.getTopologyPageInfo_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologyPageInfo_result |
Nimbus.getTopologyPageInfo_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologySummaries_args |
Nimbus.getTopologySummaries_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologySummaries_result |
Nimbus.getTopologySummaries_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologySummary_args |
Nimbus.getTopologySummary_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologySummary_result |
Nimbus.getTopologySummary_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologySummaryByName_args |
Nimbus.getTopologySummaryByName_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getTopologySummaryByName_result |
Nimbus.getTopologySummaryByName_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getUserTopology_args |
Nimbus.getUserTopology_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.getUserTopology_result |
Nimbus.getUserTopology_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.Iface |
Nimbus.isRemoteBlobExists_args |
Nimbus.isRemoteBlobExists_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.isRemoteBlobExists_result |
Nimbus.isRemoteBlobExists_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.isTopologyNameAllowed_args |
Nimbus.isTopologyNameAllowed_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.isTopologyNameAllowed_result |
Nimbus.isTopologyNameAllowed_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.killTopology_args |
Nimbus.killTopology_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.killTopology_result |
Nimbus.killTopology_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args |
Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result |
Nimbus.killTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.listBlobs_args |
Nimbus.listBlobs_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.listBlobs_result |
Nimbus.listBlobs_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.Processor<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.activate<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.beginBlobDownload<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.beginCreateBlob<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.beginFileUpload<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.beginUpdateBlob<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.cancelBlobUpload<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.createStateInZookeeper<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.deactivate<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.debug<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.deleteBlob<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.downloadBlobChunk<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.downloadChunk<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.finishBlobUpload<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.finishFileUpload<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getBlobMeta<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getBlobReplication<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getClusterInfo<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getComponentPageInfo<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getComponentPendingProfileActions<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getLeader<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getLogConfig<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getNimbusConf<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getOwnerResourceSummaries<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getSupervisorAssignments<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getSupervisorPageInfo<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopology<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyConf<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyHistory<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfo<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfoByName<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfoByNameWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyInfoWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologyPageInfo<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologySummaries<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologySummary<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getTopologySummaryByName<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.getUserTopology<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.isRemoteBlobExists<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.isTopologyNameAllowed<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.killTopology<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.killTopologyWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.listBlobs<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.processWorkerMetrics<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.rebalance<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.setBlobMeta<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.setLogConfig<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.setWorkerProfiler<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.submitTopology<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.submitTopologyWithOpts<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.updateBlobReplication<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.uploadBlobChunk<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.uploadChunk<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.Processor.uploadNewCredentials<I extends Nimbus.Iface> |
Nimbus.processWorkerMetrics_args |
Nimbus.processWorkerMetrics_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.processWorkerMetrics_result |
Nimbus.processWorkerMetrics_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.rebalance_args |
Nimbus.rebalance_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.rebalance_result |
Nimbus.rebalance_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_args |
Nimbus.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_result |
Nimbus.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats_args |
Nimbus.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats_result |
Nimbus.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeats_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.setBlobMeta_args |
Nimbus.setBlobMeta_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.setBlobMeta_result |
Nimbus.setBlobMeta_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.setLogConfig_args |
Nimbus.setLogConfig_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.setLogConfig_result |
Nimbus.setLogConfig_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.setWorkerProfiler_args |
Nimbus.setWorkerProfiler_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.setWorkerProfiler_result |
Nimbus.setWorkerProfiler_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.StandaloneINimbus |
Nimbus.submitTopology_args |
Nimbus.submitTopology_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.submitTopology_result |
Nimbus.submitTopology_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args |
Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result |
Nimbus.submitTopologyWithOpts_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.updateBlobReplication_args |
Nimbus.updateBlobReplication_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.updateBlobReplication_result |
Nimbus.updateBlobReplication_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.uploadBlobChunk_args |
Nimbus.uploadBlobChunk_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.uploadBlobChunk_result |
Nimbus.uploadBlobChunk_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.uploadChunk_args |
Nimbus.uploadChunk_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.uploadChunk_result |
Nimbus.uploadChunk_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args |
Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result |
Nimbus.uploadNewCredentials_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
NimbusBlobStore |
NimbusBlobStore is a USER facing client API to perform basic operations such as create, update, delete and read for local and hdfs blob
NimbusClient |
Client used for connecting to nimbus.
NimbusClient.Builder |
NimbusClient.LocalOverride |
NimbusClient.WithNimbus |
An interface to allow callbacks with a thrift nimbus client.
NimbusHeartbeatsPressureTest |
Test for nimbus heartbeats max throughput, This is a client to collect the statistics.
NimbusInfo |
NimbusLeaderNotFoundException |
This exception class is used to signify a problem with nimbus leader identification.
NimbusMetricProcessor |
Implementation of WorkerMetricsProcessor that sends metric data to Nimbus for processing.
NimbusPrincipal |
NimbusSummary |
NimbusSummary._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Node |
Represents a single node in the cluster.
Node |
NodeInfo |
NodeInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
NodePool |
A pool of nodes that can be used to run topologies.
NodePool.NodeAndSlotCounts |
NodePool.RoundRobinSlotScheduler |
Place executors into slots in a round robin way, taking into account
component spreading among different hosts.
NodeSorter |
NodeSorter.ExistingScheduleFunc |
interface for calculating the number of existing executors scheduled on a object (rack or node).
NodeSorterHostProximity |
NodeSorterHostProximity.ExistingScheduleFunc |
interface for calculating the number of existing executors scheduled on a object (rack or node).
NodeStateInfo |
NonRichBoltTracker |
NonTransactionalMap<T> |
NoopAuthorizer |
A no-op authorization implementation that illustrate info available for authorization decisions.
NoOpMetricStore |
NoOpTTrasport |
NoOutputException |
A NoOutputException states that no data has been received from the connected non-JVM process.
NormalDistStats |
Stats related to something with a normal distribution, and a way to randomly simulate it.
NormalizedResourceOffer |
An offer of resources with normalized resource names.
NormalizedResourceRequest |
A resource request with normalized resource names.
NormalizedResources |
Resources that have been normalized.
NormalizedResourcesWithMemory |
NoRotationPolicy |
File rotation policy that will never rotate...
NoRotationPolicy |
File rotation policy that will never rotate...
NotAliveException |
NotAliveException._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
NotAliveExceptionMapper |
NotConf |
Annotation that can be used to explicitly call out public static final String fields that are not configs.
NthLastModifiedTimeTracker |
This class tracks the time-since-last-modify of a "thing" in a rolling fashion.
NullPartitioner |
The NullPartitioner partitions every tuple to the empty string.
NullStruct |
NullStruct._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
NumErrorsChoice |
ObjectDef |
A representation of a Java object that given a className, constructor arguments,
and properties, can be instantiated.
ObjectReader |
ObjectResourcesItem |
class to keep track of resources on a rack or node.
ObjectResourcesSummary |
a class to contain individual object resources as well as cumulative stats.
OciContainerExecutorConfig |
OciContainerExecutorConfig.OciLayer |
OciContainerExecutorConfig.OciRuntimeConfig |
OciContainerManager |
OciContainerManager.CmdType |
OciImageTagToManifestPluginInterface |
OciManifestToResourcesPluginInterface |
OciResource |
OciResourcesLocalizerInterface |
OciUtils |
OffsetManager |
Manages acked and committed offsets for a TopicPartition.
OnlyLatestExecutor<K> |
This allows you to submit a Runnable with a key.
OnlyValueRecordTranslator<K,V> |
OpaqueMap<T> |
OpaquePartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor |
OpaqueValue<T> |
Operation |
The parent interface for any kind of streaming operation.
Operation |
Parent interface for Trident `Filter`s and `Function`s.
OperationAwareFlatMapFunction |
A one to many transformation function which is aware of Operation (lifecycle of the Trident component).
OperationAwareMapFunction |
A one-one transformation function which is aware of Operation (lifecycle of the Trident component).
Options<T> |
Options of State.
It's a data structure (whole things are public) and you can access and modify all fields.
OutputCollector |
This output collector exposes the API for emitting tuples from an IRichBolt.
OutputFieldsDeclarer |
OutputFieldsExtractor |
OutputFieldsGetter |
OutputStream |
A set of measurements about a stream so we can statistically reproduce it.
OutputStream.Builder |
OutputStreamEngine |
Provides an API to simulate the output of a stream.
OutstandingRequest |
OwnerResourceSummary |
OwnerResourceSummary._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Pacemaker |
PacemakerClient |
PacemakerClientHandler |
PacemakerClientPool |
PacemakerConnectionException |
PaceMakerStateStorage |
PaceMakerStateStorageFactory |
Pair<T1,T2> |
A pair of values.
PairFlatMapFunction<T,K,V> |
A function that accepts one argument and returns an Iterable of Pair as its result.
PairFunction<T,K,V> |
A function that accepts an argument and produces a key-value Pair.
PairStream<K,V> |
Represents a stream of key-value pairs.
PairValueJoiner<V1,V2> |
A ValueJoiner that joins two values to produce a Pair of the two values as the result.
PairValueMapper<K,V> |
Extracts a typed key-value pair from a tuple.
ParallelStreamableTable |
Table that can be converted to a stream.
ParallelTable |
ParseException |
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
PartialKeyGrouping |
A variation on FieldGrouping.
PartialKeyGrouping.AssignmentCreator |
This interface is responsible for choosing a subset of the target tasks to use for a given key.
PartialKeyGrouping.BalancedTargetSelector |
A basic implementation of target selection.
PartialKeyGrouping.RandomTwoTaskAssignmentCreator |
This implementation of AssignmentCreator chooses two arbitrary tasks.
PartialKeyGrouping.TargetSelector |
This interface chooses one element from a task assignment to send a specific Tuple to.
PartitionedTridentSpoutExecutor |
Partitioner |
PartitionNode |
PartitionPersistProcessor |
PasswordProvider |
A very basic API that will provide a password for a given user name.
PathUtil |
Utility functions to make Path manipulation slightly less verbose.
PatternTopicFilter |
Filter that returns all partitions for topics matching the given Pattern .
PeekProcessor<T> |
PerReporterGauge<T> |
PersistentWindowedBoltExecutor<T extends State> |
PersistentWindowingTopology |
PersistentWordCount |
PlainClientCallbackHandler |
Deprecated. |
PlainSaslTransportPlugin |
Deprecated. |
PortAndAssignment |
Predicate<T> |
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of a value.
PreparableCallback |
Serializable callback for use with the KafkaProducer on KafkaBolt.
PreparableReporter |
PrepareBatchBolt |
PrepareRequest |
PreservingFieldsOrderJoinerMultiReducer |
PrintConsumer<T> |
A consumer that prints the input to stdout.
PrinterBolt |
PrintFunction |
PrivateWorkerKey |
PrivateWorkerKey._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Processor<T> |
A processor processes a stream of elements and produces some result.
ProcessorContext<T> |
ProcessorContext |
ProcessorNode |
Node that wraps a processor in the stream.
ProcessorNode |
ProcessSimulator |
In local mode, ProcessSimulator keeps track of Shutdownable objects
in place of actual processes (in cluster mode).
ProfileAction |
ProfileRequest |
ProfileRequest._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ProgressTracker |
ProjectedProcessor |
PrometheusPreparableReporter |
PrometheusReporterClient |
This reporter pushes common cluster metrics towards a Prometheus Pushgateway.
PropertyDef |
PythonShellMetricsBolt |
PythonShellMetricsSpout |
QueryFunction<S extends State,T> |
QueryPlanner |
RandomIntegerSpout |
Emits a random integer and a timestamp value (offset by one day),
every 100 ms.
RandomNumberGeneratorSpout |
This spout generates random whole numbers with given maxNumber value as maximum with the given fields .
RandomSentenceSpout |
RandomSentenceSpout.TimeStamped |
Rankable |
RankableObjectWithFields |
This class wraps an objects and its associated count, including any additional data fields.
Rankings |
RasBlacklistStrategy |
Blacklisting strategy just like the default one, but specifically setup for use with the resource aware scheduler.
RasNode |
Represents a single node in the cluster.
RasNodes |
RateCounter |
A Counter metric that also implements a Gauge to report the average rate of events per second over 1 minute.
RateTracker |
This class is a utility to track the rate of something.
RawMultiScheme |
RawScheme |
ReachTopology |
This is a good example of doing complex Distributed RPC on top of Storm.
ReachTopology.CountAggregator |
ReachTopology.GetFollowers |
ReachTopology.GetTweeters |
ReachTopology.PartialUniquer |
ReadableBlobMeta |
ReadableBlobMeta._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ReadClusterState |
ReadOnlyMapState<T> |
ReadOnlySnapshottable<T> |
ReadOnlyState |
ReadOnlyStringMetadataCache |
The read-only interface to a StringMetadataCache allowed to be used by any thread.
Rebalance |
RebalanceOptions |
RebalanceOptions._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
RecordFormat |
Formats a Tuple object into a byte array that will be written to HDFS.
RecordFormat |
Formats a Tuple object into a byte array that will be written to HDFS.
RecordTranslator<K,V> |
Translate a ConsumerRecord to a tuple.
RecordTranslatorSchemeAdapter |
RecordTranslator that delegates to a Scheme.
RedisClusterContainer |
Container for managing JedisCluster.
RedisClusterMapState<T> |
IBackingMap implementation for Redis Cluster environment.
RedisClusterMapState.Factory |
RedisClusterMapState.Factory provides Redis Cluster environment version of StateFactory.
RedisClusterState |
Implementation of State for Redis Cluster environment.
RedisClusterState.Factory |
RedisClusterState.Factory implements StateFactory for Redis Cluster environment.
RedisClusterStateQuerier |
BaseQueryFunction implementation for Redis Cluster environment.
RedisClusterStateUpdater |
BaseStateUpdater implementation for Redis Cluster environment.
RedisCommands |
This interface represents Jedis methods exhaustively which are used on storm-redis.
RedisCommandsAdapterJedis |
Adapter class to make Jedis instance play with BinaryRedisCommands interface.
RedisCommandsAdapterJedisCluster |
Adapter class to make JedisCluster instance play with BinaryRedisCommands interface.
RedisCommandsContainerBuilder |
The binary version of container builder which helps abstraction of two env.
RedisCommandsInstanceContainer |
Interfaces for containers which stores instances implementing RedisCommands.
RedisContainer |
RedisDataSourcesProvider |
Create a Redis sink based on the URI and properties.
RedisDataTypeDescription |
RedisDataTypeDescription defines data type and additional key if needed for lookup / store tuples.
RedisDataTypeDescription.RedisDataType |
RedisFilterBolt |
Basic bolt for querying from Redis and filters out if key/field doesn't exist.
RedisFilterMapper |
RedisFilterMapper is for defining spec.
RedisKeyValueState<K,V> |
A redis based implementation that persists the state in Redis.
RedisKeyValueStateIterator<K,V> |
RedisKeyValueStateProvider |
RedisKeyValueStateProvider.StateConfig |
RedisLookupBolt |
Basic bolt for querying from Redis and emits response as tuple.
RedisLookupMapper |
RedisLookupMapper is for defining spec.
RedisMapper |
RedisMapper is for defining data type for querying / storing from / to Redis.
RedisMapState<T> |
IBackingMap implementation for single Redis environment.
RedisMapState.Factory |
RedisMapState.Factory provides single Redis environment version of StateFactory.
RedisState |
Implementation of State for single Redis environment.
RedisState.Factory |
RedisState.Factory implements StateFactory for single Redis environment.
RedisStateQuerier |
BaseQueryFunction implementation for single Redis environment.
RedisStateUpdater |
BaseStateUpdater implementation for single Redis environment.
RedisStoreBolt |
Basic bolt for writing to Redis.
RedisStoreMapper |
RedisStoreMapper is for defining spec.
ReduceByKeyProcessor<K,V> |
ReducedMetric |
ReducedShellMetric |
ReduceProcessor<T> |
Reducer<T> |
The Reducer performs an operation on two values of the same type producing a result of the same type.
ReducerAggregator<T> |
ReducerAggregatorImpl |
ReducerAggStateUpdater |
ReducerValueUpdater |
RefCountedTuple |
Provides reference counting of tuples.
ReflectionUtils |
RegexFilter |
RegisteredGlobalState |
This class is used as part of testing Storm.
ReloadableSslContextFactory |
ReloadableTsslTransportFactory |
ReloadableX509KeyManager |
ReloadableX509TrustManager |
RemovableMapState<T> |
ReportedFailedException |
ReportError |
ReportErrorAndDie |
ReportWorkerHeartbeats |
Runnable reporting local worker reported heartbeats to master, supervisor should take care the of the heartbeats
integrity for the master heartbeats recovery, a non-null node id means that the heartbeats are full,
and master can go on to check and wait others nodes when doing a heartbeats recovery.
RepositorySystemFactory |
Get maven repository instance.
ReqContext |
Request context.
ReqContextFilter |
RequestFactory<T extends OutstandingRequest> |
ResourceAuthorizer |
ResourceAuthorizer.LogUserGroupWhitelist |
ResourceAwareExampleTopology |
ResourceAwareExampleTopology.ExclamationBolt |
ResourceAwareScheduler |
ResourceDeclarer<T extends ResourceDeclarer> |
This is a new base interface that can be used by anything that wants to mirror RAS's basic API.
ResourceIsolationInterface |
A plugin to support resource isolation and limitation within Storm.
ResourceMapArrayBridge |
Provides translation between normalized resource maps and resource value arrays.
ResourceMetrics |
ResourceNameNormalizer |
Provides resource name normalization for resource maps.
ResourceUtils |
Result |
ReturnResults |
ReturnResultsReducer |
ReturnResultsReducer.ReturnResultsState |
RexNodeToJavaCodeCompiler |
Compiles a scalar expression (RexNode ) to Java source code String.
RichShellBolt |
RichShellSpout |
RichSpoutBatchExecutor |
RichSpoutBatchId |
RichSpoutBatchIdSerializer |
RichSpoutBatchTriggerer |
RocksDbKey |
Class representing the data used as a Key in RocksDB.
RocksDbMetricsWriter |
Class designed to perform all metrics inserts into RocksDB.
RocksDbStore |
RollingAverageGauge |
RollingCountAggBolt |
This bolt aggregates counts from multiple upstream bolts.
RollingCountBolt |
This bolt performs rolling counts of incoming objects, i.e.
RollingTopWords |
This topology does a continuous computation of the top N words that the
topology has seen in terms of cardinality.
RotatingMap<K,V> |
Expires keys that have not been updated in the configured number of seconds.
RotatingMap.ExpiredCallback<K,V> |
RotatingTransactionalState |
RotatingTransactionalState.StateInitializer |
RotationAction |
RoundRobinManualPartitioner |
Assign partitions in a round robin fashion for all spouts,
not just the ones that are alive.
RoundRobinResourceAwareStrategy |
RuncLibContainerManager |
SaslMessageToken |
Send and receive SASL tokens.
SaslNettyClient |
Implements SASL logic for storm worker client processes.
SaslPlainServer |
Deprecated. |
SaslPlainServer.SaslPlainServerFactory |
SaslPlainServer.SecurityProvider |
SaslStormClientHandler |
SaslStormServerAuthorizeHandler |
Authorize or deny client requests based on existence and completeness of client's SASL authentication.
SaslStormServerHandler |
SaslTransportPlugin |
Base class for SASL authentication plugin.
SaslTransportPlugin.User |
ScheduledStormReporter |
SchedulerAssignment |
SchedulerAssignmentImpl |
SchedulerConfigCache<T> |
A utility class to cache the scheduler config and refresh after the cache expires.
SchedulerConfigCache.Reloadable<T> |
SchedulingResult |
This class serves as a mechanism to return results and messages from a scheduling strategy to the Resource Aware
SchedulingSearcherState |
SchedulingStatus |
Scheme |
SchemeAsMultiScheme |
ScopedTopologySet |
A set of topology names that will be killed when this is closed, or when the
program exits.
SecurityUtils |
SequenceFileBolt |
SequenceFileReader<KeyT extends,ValueT extends> |
SequenceFileReader.Offset |
SequenceFileTopology |
SequenceFileTopology.MyBolt |
SequenceFileTopology.SentenceSpout |
SequenceFileWriter |
SequenceFormat |
Interface for converting Tuple objects to HDFS sequence file key-value pairs.
SequenceFormat |
Interface for converting TridentTuple objects to HDFS sequence file key-value pairs.
SerdeUtils |
SerializableBiConsumer<T,U> |
SerializableCallable<R> |
SerializableConsumer<T> |
SerializableSerializer |
SerializableSupplier<T> |
SerializationDelegate |
Allow Utils to delegate meta serialization.
SerializationFactory |
SerializationFactory.IdDictionary |
SerializationRegister |
Provides a way using a service loader to register Kryo serializers with the SerializationFactory without needing to modify the config.
Serializer<T> |
Interface to be implemented for serlializing and de-serializing the state.
Serializer<T> |
ServerAuthUtils |
ServerCallbackHandler |
SASL server side callback handler for kerberos auth.
ServerConfigUtils |
ServerConstants |
ServerUtils |
ServiceRegistry |
SetLogLevel |
SettableBlobMeta |
SettableBlobMeta._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SharedMemory |
SharedMemory._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SharedOffHeapWithinNode |
A request for a shared memory region off heap between workers on a node.
SharedOffHeapWithinWorker |
A request for a shared memory region off heap, but only within a worker.
SharedOnHeap |
A request for a shared memory region on heap.
ShellBasedGroupsMapping |
ShellBolt |
A bolt that shells out to another process to process tuples.
ShellBoltMessageQueue |
A data structure for ShellBolt which includes two queues (FIFO), which one is for task ids (unbounded), another one is for bolt msg
ShellCommandRunner |
Contains convenience functions for running shell commands for cases that are too simple to need a full ShellUtils
ShellCommandRunnerImpl |
ShellComponent |
ShellComponent._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ShellLogHandler |
Handle logging from non-JVM processes.
ShellMsg |
ShellMsg is an object that represents the data sent to a shell component from a process that implements a multi-language protocol.
ShellMsg.ShellLogLevel |
ShellProcess |
ShellSpout |
ShellSubmission |
ShellUtils |
ShellUtils.ExitCodeException |
This is an IOException with exit code added.
ShellUtils.OSType |
OSType detection.
ShellUtils.ShellCommandExecutor |
A simple shell command executor.
ShuffleGrouping |
Shutdownable |
SimpleACLAuthorizer |
An authorization implementation that simply checks if a user is allowed to perform specific operations.
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleFileNameFormat |
SimpleFileNameFormat |
SimpleGauge<T> |
SimpleJdbcLookupMapper |
SimpleJdbcMapper |
SimpleRecordTranslator<K,V> |
SimpleSaslClientCallbackHandler |
A client callback handler that supports a single username and password.
SimpleSaslServerCallbackHandler |
SimpleTransportPlugin |
Simple transport for Thrift plugin.
SimpleVersion |
Take a version string and parse out a Major.Minor version
SimpleWhitelistAuthorizer |
An authorization implementation that simply checks a whitelist of users that are allowed to use the cluster.
SimpleWindowPartitionCache<K,V> |
A simple implementation that evicts the largest un-pinned entry from the cache.
SimpleWindowPartitionCache.SimpleWindowPartitionCacheBuilder<K,V> |
SimplifiedWordCountTopo |
SingleEmitAggregator |
SingleEmitAggregator.BatchToPartition |
SingleJoinBolt |
Example of a simple custom bolt for joining two streams.
SingleJoinExample |
Example of using a simple custom join bolt.
SingleTopologyCluster |
A Cluster that only allows modification to a single topology.
SingleUserPrincipal |
A Principal that represents a user.
SingleUserSimpleTransport |
SkewedRollingTopWords |
This topology does a continuous computation of the top N words that the
topology has seen in terms of cardinality.
SlidingCountWindow |
Represents configuration of sliding window based on count of events.
SlidingCountWindowStrategy<T> |
This class represents sliding window strategy based on the sliding window count and sliding interval count from the given
slidingCountWindow configuration.
SlidingDurationWindow |
Represents configuration of sliding window based on duration.
SlidingDurationWindowStrategy<T> |
This class represents sliding window strategy based on the sliding window duration and sliding interval from the given
slidingCountWindow configuration.
SlidingTimeCorrectness |
Computes sliding window sum.
SlidingTupleTsTopology |
Windowing based on tuple timestamp (e.g.
SlidingWindowCorrectness |
Computes sliding window sum.
SlidingWindowCounter<T> |
This class counts objects in a sliding window fashion.
SlidingWindows<L,I> |
A sliding window specification based on a window length and sliding interval.
SlidingWindowSumBolt |
Computes sliding window sum.
SlidingWindowTopology |
A sample topology that demonstrates the usage of IWindowedBolt
to calculate sliding window sum.
Slot |
SlotBasedCounter<T> |
This class provides per-slot counts of the occurrences of objects.
SlowExecutorPattern |
A repeating pattern of skewedness in processing times.
SnapshotGet |
Snapshottable<T> |
SnapshottableMap<T> |
SocketBolt |
The Bolt implementation for Socket.
SocketDataSourcesProvider |
Create a Socket data source based on the URI and properties.
SocketSpout |
Spout for Socket data.
SpecificAggregateStats |
SpecificAggregateStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Split |
SplitSentenceBolt |
SpoutAckInfo |
SpoutAggregateStats |
SpoutAggregateStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SpoutDeclarer |
SpoutDef |
Bean representation of a Storm spout.
SpoutExecutor |
SpoutExecutorStats |
SpoutFailInfo |
SpoutMsg |
SpoutMsg is an object that represents the data sent from a shell spout to a process that implements a multi-language spout.
SpoutNode |
SpoutNode.SpoutType |
SpoutOutputCollector |
This output collector exposes the API for emitting tuples from an IRichSpout .
SpoutOutputCollectorImpl |
Methods are not thread safe.
SpoutSpec |
SpoutSpec._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SpoutStats |
SpoutStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SpoutTracker |
SpringJmsProvider |
A JmsProvider that uses the spring framework
to obtain a JMS ConnectionFactory and
Desitnation objects.
SqlCreateFunction |
SqlCreateTable |
SqlDdlKeywords |
Define the keywords that can occur in a CREATE TABLE statement.
StandaloneSupervisor |
State |
The state of the component that is either managed by the framework (e.g in case of IStatefulBolt ) or managed by the the
individual components themselves.
State |
There's 3 different kinds of state:
The interface of State Encoder.
StateFactory |
A factory for creating State instances.
StateFactory |
StatefulBoltExecutor<T extends State> |
StatefulProcessor<K,V> |
Top level interface for processors that does stateful processing.
StatefulTopology |
An example topology that demonstrates the use of IStatefulBolt to manage state.
StatefulTopology.PrinterBolt |
StatefulWindowedBoltExecutor<T extends State> |
StatefulWindowingTopology |
A simple example that demonstrates the usage of IStatefulWindowedBolt to save the state of the
windowing operation to avoid re-computation in case of failures.
StatefulWindowManager<T> |
Window manager that handles windows with state persistence.
StatefulWordCount |
StatefulWordCounter |
StateMetric |
StateProvider |
StateQueryExample |
StateQueryProcessor<K,V> |
StateQueryProcessor |
StateSpec |
StateSpoutOutputCollector |
StateSpoutSpec |
StateSpoutSpec._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
StateStorageFactory |
StateType |
StateUpdater<T,S> |
Interface for updating state.
StateUpdater<S extends State> |
StatsUtil |
StoreBasedTridentWindowManager |
This window manager uses WindowsStore for storing tuples and other trigger related information.
StormApiResource |
Root resource (exposed at "storm" path).
StormBase |
StormBase._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
StormBoundedExponentialBackoffRetry |
StormCalcRelBase |
StormClientHandler |
StormClusterStateImpl |
StormCommon |
StormCommonInstaller |
StormContext |
This is a hack to use Calcite Context.
StormDataContext |
This is based on SlimDataContext in Calcite, and borrow some from DataContextImpl in Calcite.
StormFilterRelBase |
StormJoinRelBase |
StormMetricRegistry |
StormMetricsFilter |
StormMetricsRegistry |
StormParser |
StormParserImpl |
SQL parser, generated from Parser.jj by JavaCC.
StormParserImplConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
StormParserImplTokenManager |
Token Manager.
StormProjectRelBase |
StormRelDataTypeSystem |
StormRelNode |
StormRelUtils |
StormReporter |
StormServerHandler |
StormSql |
The StormSql class provides standalone, interactive interfaces to execute
SQL statements over streaming data.
StormSqlContext |
StormSqlRunner |
StormSqlTypeFactoryImpl |
StormStreamableTable |
StormStreamInsertRelBase |
StormStreamScanRelBase |
StormSubmitter |
Use this class to submit topologies to run on the Storm cluster.
StormSubmitter.ProgressListener |
Interface use to track progress of file upload.
StormTable |
StormTimer |
The timer defined in this file is very similar to java.util.Timer, except it integrates with Storm's time simulation capabilities.
StormTimer.QueueEntry |
StormTimer.StormTimerTask |
StormTopology |
StormTopology._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Stream<T> |
Represents a stream of values.
Stream |
A Stream represents the core data model in Trident, and can be thought of as a "stream" of tuples that are processed as a series of small
StreamBuilder |
A builder for constructing a StormTopology via storm streams api (DSL).
StreamDef |
Represents a stream of tuples from one Storm component (Spout or Bolt) to another (an edge in the topology DAG).
StreamInfo |
StreamInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
StreamInsertMapToPairFunction |
StreamsAggregateRule |
StreamsCalcRel |
StreamsCalcRule |
StreamsFilterRel |
StreamsFilterRule |
StreamsJoinRule |
StreamsLogicalConvention |
StreamsModifyRule |
StreamsPlanCreator |
StreamsProjectRel |
StreamsProjectRule |
StreamsRel |
StreamsScanRule |
StreamsScanTupleValueMapper |
StreamsStormRuleSets |
StreamsStreamInsertRel |
StreamsStreamScanRel |
StreamState<K,V> |
StreamUtil |
Utility class for (Input/Output)Stream.
StreamUtil |
StrGenSpoutHdfsBoltTopo |
This topo helps measure speed of writing to Hdfs.
StrGenSpoutHdfsBoltTopo.LineWriter |
StrictTopologyValidator |
StringDecorator |
This class provides a method to pass data from the test bolts and spouts to the test method, via the worker log.
StringGenSpout |
Spout pre-computes a list with 30k fixed length random strings.
StringLength |
StringMetadataCache |
Class to create a use a cache that stores Metadata string information in memory.
SubmitOptions |
SubmitOptions._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SubmitterHookException |
This Exception is thrown when registered ISubmitterHook could not be initialized or invoked.
SubSystem |
a class that implements operations that can be performed on a cgroup subsystem.
SubSystemType |
A enum class to described the subsystems that can be used.
SubtopologyBolt |
A Bolt that does processing for a subsection of the complete graph.
SubtopologyBolt.InitialReceiver |
Sum |
Supervisor |
Supervisor |
Supervisor.AsyncClient |
Supervisor.AsyncClient.Factory |
Supervisor.AsyncClient.getLocalAssignmentForStorm_call |
Supervisor.AsyncClient.sendSupervisorAssignments_call |
Supervisor.AsyncClient.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_call |
Supervisor.AsyncIface |
Supervisor.AsyncProcessor<I extends Supervisor.AsyncIface> |
Supervisor.AsyncProcessor.getLocalAssignmentForStorm<I extends Supervisor.AsyncIface> |
Supervisor.AsyncProcessor.sendSupervisorAssignments<I extends Supervisor.AsyncIface> |
Supervisor.AsyncProcessor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat<I extends Supervisor.AsyncIface> |
Supervisor.Client |
Supervisor.Client.Factory |
Supervisor.getLocalAssignmentForStorm_args |
Supervisor.getLocalAssignmentForStorm_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Supervisor.getLocalAssignmentForStorm_result |
Supervisor.getLocalAssignmentForStorm_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Supervisor.Iface |
Supervisor.Processor<I extends Supervisor.Iface> |
Supervisor.Processor.getLocalAssignmentForStorm<I extends Supervisor.Iface> |
Supervisor.Processor.sendSupervisorAssignments<I extends Supervisor.Iface> |
Supervisor.Processor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat<I extends Supervisor.Iface> |
Supervisor.sendSupervisorAssignments_args |
Supervisor.sendSupervisorAssignments_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Supervisor.sendSupervisorAssignments_result |
Supervisor.sendSupervisorAssignments_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Supervisor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_args |
Supervisor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_args._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
Supervisor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_result |
Supervisor.sendSupervisorWorkerHeartbeat_result._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SupervisorAssignments |
SupervisorAssignments._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SupervisorClient |
Client for interacting with Supervisor server, now we use supervisor server mainly for cases below.
SupervisorClient.Builder |
SupervisorDetails |
SupervisorHealthCheck |
SupervisorHeartbeat |
SupervisorIfaceFactory |
SupervisorInfo |
SupervisorInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SupervisorPageInfo |
SupervisorPageInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SupervisorResources |
SupervisorSimpleACLAuthorizer |
An authorization implementation that simply checks if a user is allowed to perform specific operations.
SupervisorSummary |
SupervisorSummary._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SupervisorUtils |
SupervisorWorkerHeartbeat |
SupervisorWorkerHeartbeat._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SupervisorWorkerHeartbeats |
SupervisorWorkerHeartbeats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
SynchronizeAssignments |
A runnable which will synchronize assignments to node local and then worker processes.
SynchronizeOutputCollector |
SyncPolicy |
Interface for controlling when the HdfsBolt
syncs and flushes the filesystem.
SyncPolicy |
Interface for controlling when the HdfsBolt
syncs and flushes the filesystem.
SystemBolt |
SystemOperation |
A class that implements system operations for using cgroups.
Task |
TaskBundle |
TaskMessage |
TaskMetricDimensions |
Class to store task-related V2 metrics dimensions.
TaskMetricRepo |
Metric repository to allow reporting of task-specific metrics.
TaskMetrics |
TBackoffConnect |
TestableTopology |
TestAggregatesCounter |
TestConfBolt |
TestEventLogSpout |
TestEventOrderCheckBolt |
TestGlobalCount |
Testing |
A utility that helps with testing topologies, Bolts and Spouts.
Testing.CapturedTopology<T> |
A topology that has all messages captured and can be read later on.
Testing.Condition |
Simply produces a boolean to see if a specific state is true or false.
TestingFilter |
A simple UI filter that should only be used for testing purposes.
TestJob |
This is the core interface for the storm java testing, usually
we put our java unit testing logic in the run method.
TestKryoDecorator |
TestPlannerBolt |
TestPlannerSpout |
TestPrintBolt |
Prints the tuples to stdout.
TestSerObject |
TestTransactionalState |
Facilitates testing of non-public methods in the parent class.
TestWindowBolt |
TestWordBytesCounter |
TestWordCounter |
TestWordSpout |
TextFileReader |
TextFileReader.Offset |
Thrift |
Thrift.BoltDetails |
Thrift.SpoutDetails |
ThriftAccessLogger |
ThriftClient |
ThriftConnectionType |
The purpose for which the Thrift server is created.
ThriftDecoder |
ThriftEncoder |
ThriftNettyClientCodec |
ThriftNettyClientCodec.AuthMethod |
ThriftNettyServerCodec |
ThriftNettyServerCodec.AuthMethod |
ThriftSerializationDelegate |
ThriftSerializedObject |
ThriftSerializedObject._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
ThriftServer |
ThriftTopologyUtils |
ThroughputMeter |
ThroughputVsLatency |
WordCount but the spout goes at a predefined rate and we collect
proper latency statistics.
ThroughputVsLatency.FastRandomSentenceSpout |
ThroughputVsLatency.SplitSentence |
ThroughputVsLatency.WordCount |
Time |
This class implements time simulation support.
Time.SimulatedTime |
TimeCacheMap<K,V> |
Deprecated. |
TimeCacheMap.ExpiredCallback<K,V> |
Timed<T> |
TimeData |
TimeDataIncrementingSpout |
TimeDataVerificationBolt |
TimeDataWindow |
TimedResource<T extends AutoCloseable> |
TimedRotationPolicy |
TimedRotationPolicy |
TimedRotationPolicy.TimeUnit |
TimedRotationPolicy.TimeUnit |
TimedWritableByteChannel |
TimeEvictionPolicy<T> |
Eviction policy that evicts events based on time duration.
TimeOutWorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategy |
Wait for a node to report worker heartbeats until a configured timeout.
TimePortAndAssignment |
Timer |
TimerDecorated |
TimerDecoratedAssignment |
TimestampExtractor |
Interface to be implemented for extracting timestamp from a tuple.
TimeTriggerPolicy<T> |
TimeUtil |
TlsTransportPlugin |
TmpPath |
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
TopicAssigner |
Handles assigning partitions to the consumer and updating the rebalance listener.
TopicFilter |
TopicPartitionComparator |
Singleton comparator of TopicPartitions.
TopicPartitionSerializer |
TopoCache |
Cache topologies and topology confs from the blob store.
Topologies |
TopologyActionOptions |
TopologyActionOptions._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
TopologyActions |
Actions that can be done to a topology in nimbus.
TopologyBuilder |
TopologyBuilder exposes the Java API for specifying a topology for Storm to execute.
TopologyContext |
A `TopologyContext` is given to bolts and spouts in their `prepare()` and `open()` methods, respectively.
TopologyDef |
Bean represenation of a topology.
TopologyDetails |
TopologyHistoryInfo |
TopologyHistoryInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
TopologyInfo |
TopologyInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
TopologyInitialStatus |
TopologyLoadConf |
Configuration for a simulated topology.
TopologyPageInfo |
TopologyPageInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
TopologyResources |
TopologySource |
Marker interface for objects that can produce `StormTopology` objects.
TopologySourceDef |
TopologySpoutLag |
TopologyStats |
TopologyStats._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
TopologyStatus |
TopologySummary |
TopologySummary._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
TotalRankingsBolt |
TrackedTopology |
A tracked topology keeps metrics for every bolt and spout.
TransactionalMap<T> |
TransactionalState |
Class that contains the logic to extract the transactional state info from zookeeper.
TransactionalValue<T> |
TransactionAttempt |
Deprecated. |
TransactionAttempt |
TransferDrainer |
TransportFactory |
TridentBatchTuple |
TridentBoltExecutor |
TridentBoltExecutor.CoordCondition |
TridentBoltExecutor.CoordSpec |
TridentBoltExecutor.CoordType |
TridentBoltExecutor.TrackedBatch |
TridentCollector |
Interface for publishing tuples to a stream and reporting exceptions (to be displayed in Storm UI).
TridentContext |
TridentFileTopology |
TridentHiveTopology |
TridentHiveTopology.FixedBatchSpout |
TridentJmsSpout |
Trident implementation of the JmsSpout.
TridentKafkaClientTopologyNamedTopics |
This example sets up a few topologies to put random strings in Kafka topics via the KafkaBolt,
and shows how to set up a Trident topology that reads from some Kafka topics using the KafkaSpout.
TridentKafkaClientTopologyWildcardTopics |
TridentKafkaConsumerTopology |
TridentKafkaState<K,V> |
TridentKafkaStateFactory<K,V> |
TridentKafkaStateUpdater<K,V> |
TridentMapExample |
TridentMinMaxOfDevicesTopology |
TridentMinMaxOfVehiclesTopology |
TridentMultiReducerContext |
TridentOperationContext |
TridentProcessor |
TridentReach |
TridentReach.ExpandList |
TridentReach.One |
TridentReach.StaticSingleKeyMapState |
TridentReach.StaticSingleKeyMapState.Factory |
TridentSequenceTopology |
TridentSpoutCoordinator |
TridentSpoutExecutor |
TridentState |
TridentTopology |
TridentTopologyBuilder |
TridentTuple |
TridentTuple.Factory |
TridentTupleToKafkaMapper<K,V> |
TridentTupleView |
Extends AbstractList so that it can be emitted directly as Storm tuples.
TridentTupleView.FreshOutputFactory |
TridentTupleView.OperationOutputFactory |
TridentTupleView.ProjectionFactory |
TridentTupleView.RootFactory |
TridentUtils |
TridentWindowingInmemoryStoreTopology |
Sample application of trident windowing which uses inmemory store for storing tuples in window.
TridentWordCount |
TridentWordCount.Split |
TriggerHandler |
The callback fired by TriggerPolicy when the trigger condition is satisfied.
TriggerPolicy<T,S> |
Triggers the window calculations based on the policy.
TrueFilter |
TrueFilter |
TsvScheme |
TsvScheme uses a simple delimited format implemention by splitting string,
and it supports user defined delimiter.
TsvSerializer |
TsvSerializer uses a simple delimited format implemention by splitting string,
and it supports user defined delimiter.
TumblingCountWindow |
Represents tumbling count window configuration.
TumblingCountWindowStrategy<T> |
This class represents tumbling window strategy based on the window count from the given slidingCountWindow configuration.
TumblingDurationWindow |
Represents tumbling duration window configuration.
TumblingDurationWindowStrategy<T> |
This class represents tumbling window strategy based on the window duration from the given slidingCountWindow configuration.
TumblingTimeCorrectness |
Computes sliding window sum.
TumblingWindowCorrectness |
Computes sliding window sum.
TumblingWindows<L> |
A tumbling window specification.
Tuple |
The tuple is the main data structure in Storm.
Tuple10<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10> |
A tuple of ten elements along the lines of Scala's Tuple.
Tuple3<T1,T2,T3> |
A tuple of three elements along the lines of Scala's Tuple.
Tuple4<T1,T2,T3,T4> |
A tuple of four elements along the lines of Scala's Tuple.
Tuple5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> |
A tuple of five elements along the lines of Scala's Tuple.
Tuple6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> |
A tuple of six elements along the lines of Scala's Tuple.
Tuple7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> |
A tuple of seven elements along the lines of Scala's Tuple.
Tuple8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> |
A tuple of eight elements along the lines of Scala's Tuple.
Tuple9<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> |
A tuple of nine elements along the lines of Scala's Tuple.
TupleCaptureBolt |
TupleCollectionGet |
TupleFieldTimestampExtractor |
TupleImpl |
TupleInfo |
TupleMapper |
TupleMapper defines how to extract key and value from tuple for Redis.
TupleReceiver |
TupleToKafkaMapper<K,V> |
Interface defining a mapping from storm tuple to kafka key and message.
TupleUtils |
TupleValueMapper<T> |
A generic interface for mapping a Tuple to typed values.
TupleValueMappers |
Factory for constructing typed tuples from a Tuple based on indicies.
TupleWindow |
TupleWindowImpl |
Holds the expired, new and current tuples in a window.
TupleWindowIterImpl |
An iterator based implementation over the events in a window.
TuplifyArgs |
TypedTupleExample |
An example that illustrates the usage of typed tuples (TupleN<..>) and TupleValueMappers .
UIHelpers |
UIServer |
Main class.
UniFunc<T> |
UniqueIdGen |
UnsupportedOperatorsVisitor |
UpdateStateByKeyProcessor<K,V,R> |
UploadCredentials |
UrlBuilder |
Convenient utility class to build the URL.
User |
UserPersistenceTopology |
UserPersistenceTridentTopology |
UserSpout |
Util |
Utils |
Utils |
Utils.SmartThread |
A thread that can answer if it is sleeping in the case of simulated time.
Utils.UptimeComputer |
Validated |
An interface that is used to inform config validation what to look at.
ValueJoiner<V1,V2,R> |
An interface for joining two values to produce a result.
ValueMapper<T> |
Extracts a single typed value from a tuple.
ValuePointer |
Values |
A convenience class for making tuple values using new Values("field1", 2, 3) syntax.
ValuesMapper |
ValueUpdater<T> |
VerificationBolt |
VersionedData<D> |
VersionedStore |
VersionInfo |
VersionInfoMojo |
VertexDef |
Abstract parent class of component definitions.
WaitStrategyPark |
WaitStrategyProgressive |
A Progressive Wait Strategy.
WatcherCallBack |
WatermarkCountEvictionPolicy<T> |
An eviction policy that tracks count based on watermark ts and evicts events up to the watermark based on a threshold count.
WatermarkCountTriggerPolicy<T> |
A trigger policy that tracks event counts and sets the context for eviction policy to evict based on latest watermark time.
WaterMarkEvent<T> |
Watermark event used for tracking progress of time when processing event based ts.
WaterMarkEventGenerator<T> |
Tracks tuples across input streams and periodically emits watermark events.
WatermarkTimeEvictionPolicy<T> |
An eviction policy that evicts events based on time duration taking watermark time and event lag into account.
WatermarkTimeTriggerPolicy<T> |
Handles watermark events and triggers TriggerHandler.onTrigger() for each window interval that has events to be processed up to
the watermark ts.
WebAppUtils |
WhitelistWordCount |
WhitelistWordCount.PrintWordTotalCountBolt |
Window<L,I> |
The window specification within Stream .
Window<T> |
A view of events in a sliding window.
WindowConfig |
Windowing configuration with window and sliding length.
WindowConfig.Type |
WindowedBoltExecutor |
WindowedTimeThrottler |
WindowedWordCount |
A windowed word count example.
WindowKryoSerializer |
Kryo serializer/deserializer for values that are stored as part of windowing.
WindowLifecycleListener<T> |
A callback for expiry, activation of events tracked by the WindowManager .
WindowManager<T> |
WindowNode |
Node that captures the windowing configurations.
WindowPartitionCache<K,V> |
WindowPartitionCache.Builder<K,V> |
WindowPartitionCache.CacheLoader<K,V> |
The interface for loading entires into the cache.
WindowPartitionCache.RemovalCause |
The reason why an enrty got evicted from the cache.
WindowPartitionCache.RemovalListener<K,V> |
A callback interface for handling removal of events from the cache.
WindowsState |
State implementation for windowing operation.
WindowsStateFactory |
StateFactory instance for creating WindowsState instances.
WindowsStateUpdater |
StateUpdater<WindowState> instance which removes successfully emitted triggers from store.
WindowsStore |
Store for storing window related entities like windowed tuples, triggers etc.
WindowsStore.Entry |
This class wraps key and value objects which can be passed to putAll method.
WindowsStoreFactory |
Factory to create instances of WindowsStore .
WindowState<T> |
A wrapper around the window related states that are checkpointed.
WindowState.WindowPartition<T> |
WindowStrategy<T> |
Strategy for windowing which will have respective trigger and eviction policies.
WindowTridentProcessor |
TridentProcessor implementation for windowing operations on trident stream.
WindowTridentProcessor.TriggerInfo |
WordCountBolt |
WordCountClient |
Connects to the 'WordCount' HBase table and prints counts for each word.
WordCounter |
This bolt is used by the HBase example.
WordCounter |
WordCountLookupMapper |
WordCountStoreMapper |
WordCountToBolt |
An example that computes word counts and finally emits the results to an
external bolt (sink).
WordCountTopology |
This topology demonstrates Storm's stream groupings and multilang
WordCountTopology.SplitSentence |
WordCountTopologyNode |
This topology demonstrates Storm's stream groupings and multilang capabilities.
WordCountTopologyNode.RandomSentence |
WordCountTopologyNode.SplitSentence |
WordCountTopologyNode.WordCount |
WordCountTridentRedis |
WordCountTridentRedisCluster |
WordCountTridentRedisClusterMap |
WordCountTridentRedisMap |
WordGenSpout |
WordSpout |
Worker |
WorkerHeartbeatsRecoveryStrategyFactory |
Factory class for recovery strategy.
WorkerHookDef |
Bean representation of a Storm worker hook.
WorkerLogs |
A class that knows about how to operate with worker log directory.
WorkerMetricList |
WorkerMetricList._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
WorkerMetricPoint |
WorkerMetricPoint._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
WorkerMetricRegistrant |
WorkerMetrics |
WorkerMetrics._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
WorkerMetricsProcessor |
WorkerResources |
WorkerResources._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
WorkerSlot |
WorkerState |
WorkerState.ILocalTransferCallback |
WorkerSummary |
WorkerSummary._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
WorkerToken |
WorkerToken._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
WorkerTokenAuthorizer |
Allow for SASL authentication using worker tokens.
WorkerTokenClientCallbackHandler |
A Client callback handler for a WorkerToken.
WorkerTokenInfo |
WorkerTokenInfo._Fields |
The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them.
WorkerTokenManager |
The WorkerTokenManager manages the life cycle of worker tokens in nimbus.
WorkerTokenServiceType |
WorkerTopologyContext |
WorkerTransfer |
WorkerUserContext |
WrappedAlreadyAliveException |
Wraps the generated TException to allow getMessage() to return a valid string.
WrappedAuthorizationException |
Wraps the generated TException to allow getMessage() to return a valid string.
WrappedDRPCExecutionException |
Wraps the generated TException to allow getMessage() to return a valid string.
WrappedHBExecutionException |
Wraps the generated TException to allow getMessage() to return a valid string.
WrappedIllegalStateException |
WrappedInvalidTopologyException |
Wraps the generated TException to allow getMessage() to return a valid string.
WrappedKeyAlreadyExistsException |
Wraps the generated TException to allow getMessage() to return a valid string.
WrappedKeyNotFoundException |
Wraps the generated TException to allow getMessage() to return a valid string.
WrappedNotAliveException |
Wraps the generated TException to allow getMessage() to return a valid string.
WritableStringMetadataCache |
The writable interface to a StringMetadataCache intended to be used by a single RocksDBMetricwWriter instance.
WritableUtils |
Writer |
X509CertOrKerberosPrincipalToLocal |
X509CertPrincipalToLocal |
ZkCli |
ZkEventTypes |
ZkKeeperStates |
ZKStateChangedCallback |
ZKStateStorage |
ZKStateStorageFactory |
Zookeeper |
ZookeeperAuthInfo |
ZookeeperServerCnxnFactory |